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ADCP Results

ADCP Results are not available for Export

Parent Item

List with all available ADCP systems that exist in the currently selected Qinsy database.

(see General Layout Information about loading a Qinsy database).

Cell Number:This option to select a cell number is only needed for possibly selected cell sub items (e.g. Cell Number, Cell Depth, Cell Speed)
  • NONE, or leave blank.
  • ALL
    The selected cell sub items will be repeated for all available cells.
  • Enter individual cell number, and/or comma and/or hyphen (or double-dot) separated.
    For example: "20-30" or "1,5,10,20-30" or "1-10,15,20-30", or "1..10, 20..30".
    Lowest possible cell number is 1. The selected sub items will be repeated for each defined cell number.
 Sub ItemDescriptionValue TypeProperties
CommentUser defined text.text
Text Format
  • Normal Text
    Your own free plain text
  • Binary
    Enter one or more ASCII character codes, comma or space separated, in the range between 1 and 127.
    For example '2' for a binary STX character, '3' for a binary ETX character, or '13, 10' for CR+LF.
    See table ASCII Codes for an overview of all possible characters.

  • New Line
    Same as Binary but already formatted as '13, 10' (meaning CR+LF) and without a possible Field Delimiter.
    A Field Delimiter may be present when your layout purpose is for Export or ASCII Logging.
NameName of the selected ADCP system, as defined in Database Setup.text
Ping Time

The ping time from the raw ADCP data that has been used for the calculation.

Ping AgeThe difference [in seconds] between the triggering time and the time of the last ping time.double
Ping Number

The ping number from the raw ADCP data that has been used for the calculation.

Every new ping received from the ADCP sensor will increment the ping number by one.

Cell Count

The number of depth cells that the current ping consist of.

Cell Length

Instrument Setup setting.

The depth range for each depth cell, in survey units.

Td EastingThe easting of the transducer (ADCP sensor location), always on Survey Datum.double
Td NorthingThe northing of the transducer (ADCP sensor location), always on Survey Datum.double
Td HeightThe height of the transducer (ADCP sensor location), always on Chart (aka Vertical) Datum.double
Average Direction

The average calculated horizontal direction of the current.

The number of cells involved in calculating the average is published as Average Count (see below).

Average Speed

The average calculated horizontal speed of the current

The number of cells involved in calculating the average is published as Average Count (see below).

Average CountThe number of cells included in the calculation for the average current direction and speed.integer
Cell NumberThe cell number, as selected in the parent item Cell Number property field.integer
Cell Depth

The depth for the selected cell number, below transducer.

Depth will be the start of the cell, so the first cell will have a depth value of zero.

Cell Height

The height of the selected cell above Chart Datum.

Value is derived from the Td Height and the Cell Depth, so the first cell will have the same value as the Td Height.

Cell DirectionThe horizontal direction of the current for the selected cell.double
Cell Horizontal SpeedThe horizontal speed of the current for the selected cell.double
Cell Vertical SpeedThe vertical speed of the current for the selected cell.double
Cell Status

Flag indicating whether the selected cell is used for the Average Direction and Average Speed calculation or not.

The value will be zero when the selected cell is used for the Average Direction and Average Speed calculation.

In the Controller Computation Setup you may enable three threshold checks for the desired Average Direction and Average Speed calculation:

When one of these threshold checks is enabled, the cell may be rejected, and its status value will then be a combination of the following values:

Mask ValueStatus
1 (01 hex)Cell was rejected because the Raw Data Quality flag was set by the ADCP system
2 (02 hex)Cell was rejected because of the Speed outside threshold min/max values
8 (08 hex)Cell was rejected because of the Depth outside threshold min/max values
16 (10 hex)Cell was rejected because the reference frame is not relative to ADCP (Instrument)
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