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QPS Fix Generator MK 4 - not sold anymore

General Description

The QPS Fix Generator MK 4 is a hardware extension manufactured by QPS to be used with the Qinsy software.
It has the possibility to receive and/or send two closure (CLS) or TTL pulses.
Outgoing closure or TTL pulses can be used to activate external devices, whereas incoming closure or TTL pulses can be used for PPS (Pulse-Per-Second) support and fixmark activation from other navigation systems.

Device Description

The power supply can be between 100 and 240 V AC 50-60 Hz. The selection can be changed using a button on the front panel. The selected option is indicated by a LED. A 630 mA fuse is used at the power entry.

The MK4 supports both positive and negative input signals. This needs to be selected using the two red jumpers in the middle of the main print board inside the box.
To check whether the jumper is set to positive or negative follow the following steps: Switch input to CLS and connect shield and core of the BNC connector. If the pulse LED reacts at once, then the fixing is positive. If the pulse LED reacts when the connection is broken again, then the fixing is negative.

Use the red mini-buttons on the Front panel to switch between TTL pulses or Closures. Default settings can be set using the jumpers in the front of the main board inside the box. One jumper for each display.
The jumpers consist of three pins of which two are connected with a locking device depending on whether it is set to CLS or TTL:

1-2 = TTL

2-3 = CLS

To avoid interference, both the FIX IN connections are provided with an input signal block of 0.5 seconds after receiving a pulse.
The output signals are only available for positive fixing. All the input and output connections are safeguarded conform the EMC and EMI electronic directions.

The interface connectors are located at the rear panel of the MK4 . For incoming pulses 2 BNC connectors are present (FIX IN 1 and FIX IN 2) as well as RS232 ports to transfer the pulse to QINSy. This way TTL and CLS can be combined.

The FIX OUT has an RS232 port for the input signal from QINSy and two BNC outputs. The BNC outputs have adjusters to adjust the length of the pulse.
The two adjusters on the rear panel work as follows: CW (clock wise) will shorten the duration of the outgoing pulse, CCW (counter clock wise) will lengthen the duration of the outgoing pulse.
The two red jumpers on the main print board inside the box can be used to select positive (P) or negative (N) fixing.

QPS Fix Generator - Front Panel

QPS Fix Generator - Rear Panel

Always leave the cooling slots on top and bottom of the device open.

The print board is located directly behind the front panel. To open the box, turn the box upside down and remove the four brackets located on the corners. Take the screws out and open the box.

When closing the box, mount the pieces with the extensions on the front side and the smaller pieces on the rear.

Interfacing Notes

Cable length between fix device and computer must be shorter than 290 cm, because of EMC directions.


Fix Device


COM port on pc


COM port on pc

Pin 2

FIX in

Pin 2

FIX in

Pin 3

FIX in

Pin 3

FIX out

Pin 3

FIX out

Pin 2

FIX out

Pin 5


Pin 5


Pin 7


Cable length between fix device and survey unit must be as short as possible, especially for TTL (PPS).

BNC Fix Device



Signal Ground



+5 (With TTL)

Database Setup

To add the Fix Generator to your system setup go to the Qinsy Controller - Database Setup.
In our Drivers Manual section of the QPS web site the QPS Fix Generator MK3-MK4-MK5-MK6 settings are shown.

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