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How-to Import Kongsberg ALL data into Qinsy

This document describes how to import Kongsberg *.ALL data into a Qins database in order to replay and produce new XYZ data.
The Kongsberg *.ALL file format is a Kongsberg proprietary format that contains raw data of various survey systems such as:

  • GPS
  • MRU
  • GYRO


This will not work for EM2040 data

Quicker workflow

There's a much quicker workflow to import the Kongsberg *.all data in Qimera (this will work for EM2040 data).

It is important to have the information of the vessel setup.
This means that you need to have a document that shows all the nodes or offset points that are used for the survey equipment and what the mounting angles are of the survey equipment.

The first step in this process is to create a Qins template database which contains the following settings:

  • Geodetic settings, most likely WGS84 and UTM chart
  • Vessel
  • Vessel offset points, or variable nodes
  • Survey systems

  1. Start “Database Setup” from the “Template manager” and create a database:

    Make sure that the correct offset points are defined and that the correct mounting angles are set for the motion sensor and multibeam.

  2. It does not really matter which drivers are selected for the various systems.

  3. Close Database Setup and save the setup file when asked.

  4. Highlight the template database that is created, and go to the menu bar of the “Template Manager”.
    Select “Action” and then “Import”, the following dialog will appear:

  5. The correct template database is already selected. If not, add the template database via the “Add” button.
    Select “Next” to continue, the following dialog will appear:

  6. In order to add the various systems select “Add”, the following dialog will appear:

  7. Select a system and select the correct format, in this case select “Kongsberg All format”.
    In case of a gyro or an MRU system the maximum update rate can be reduced to 20 Hz by setting the “Max update rate” to 0.05 seconds.

  8. Repeat this procedure until all systems are added to the import, it should look like the following picture:

  9. Select “Next” in order to continue, the following dialog should appear:

  10. Highlight all systems and press “Select”. Browse in the dialog that appears to the file location where the *.ALL file is located and select it.
    Each system will now list the same file, select “Next” to continue, the following dialog will appear:
  11. The file name of the new, to be created Qins database can be modified when the “Browse” button is pressed, otherwise the default file name will be used.
  12. Split the database on file size in order to prevent extremely large files, 50 MB for instance.
  13. Select “Next” to continue, the following dialog will appear:

  14. The import process is started. When finished new Qins databases are available for Replay.

  15. During Replay the standard replay functions are available such as filling a sounding grid, creating QPD files, changing echosounder settings or sound velocity profiles.
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