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Qimera Export S-57 Dialog

How to Start

  1. Export S-57... option in the Export menu of the Main Menu toolbar. 

What it Does

This dialog is used to convert QNC formatted ENC files to S-57 format.

General Description

This dialog can be used to convert and export QNC formatted ENC files as S-57 format with the option to include the M_COVR feature. 


The output group can be used to define the location where the S-57 file will be saved and its file name. Paths can be entered manually or the browse button can be clicked providing a generic save file dialog. If an existing file will be overwritten you will be prompted with the option to cancel the export. 


The Include auto-generated M_COVR feature checkbox allows the inclusion of the M_COVR coverage feature in the exported S-57 file. This checkbox is unchecked by default. 

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