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Qimera Drape Image Dialog

How to Start

Click the Drape Image button in the Project Layers panel when a static grid is activated.

What it Does

Use this dialog to drape an image onto a static grid.  The image will appear to lie on the grid.  Shading may optionally added, otherwise there will be no shading applied.

General Description

The dialog is divided into two main sections:  an area to select an image and an area to set drape options.  The first area, the image to drape area, is broken into two further options with a radio button for each option.  Only one of the options may be chosen at a time, the first option loads an image from disk.  The coordinate system and bounds may be specified or corrected in this area.  The second option lists images that are already loaded in Qimera.  Any image shown may be selected.

The lower main area has three options, the cell size to use, the resampling method to use if the cellsize of the grid and image do not match and an option to select illumination for the image.

Image from Disk

An image may be selected from disk.  Click browse or enter the path and file name of an image in the text field then click Browse to load the specified image.  This way, a specified path can be easily localted, if desired.   If the image has bounds and a coordinate system defined, they will be listed in the fields below the file name.  It is possible to edit the bounds or change the coordinate system if corrections are required. 

The image will be reprojected if the coordinate system does not match the project coordinate system.  Do not change the coordinate system or bounds to match the project.  Qimera will correctly reproject the image if necessary to the correct bounds and coordinate system for the project.

Loaded image

Choose one of the selected images to drape.  Only one image may be selected from the list, and only one of an Image from disk or loaded image may be selected.

Cell Resolution

The best of the resolution of the grid or image will be automatically filled in here.  The value may be changed, if desired.  Usually, images have higher resolution (smaller number), so this value will be the resolution of the image.  If so, the image will not be resampled.  Otherwise, the image will be resampled using the method specified in the Resampling Method field.

Resampling Method

Should the image require resampling to match the resolution of the grid or if the cell resolution is otherwise different than the resolution of the image, the method to use may be selected here.

Apply Illumination

To apply illumination to the draped image check this box.  The image will then have cast shadows from the grid features applied.

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