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Qimera Configure Custom Toolbar Dialog

How to Start

  • Configure Custom Toolbar... option of the Project menu in the Main Menu bar.
  • If the Custom Toolbar is visible and the Configure Custom Tool Bar... action is added to the toolbar it can be launched by clicking the action icon. 

What it Does

This dialog is used to configure items in the Custom Toolbar

General Description

This dialog enables the customization of the Custom Toolbar by providing access to pre-determined actions. Actions can be filtered, added and removed, sorted and separated to facilitate the customization needs. All changes will be reflected in the Custom Toolbar upon completion.


The Action Catalog Filter can be used to search and narrow the list of actions.

Action Catalog

The Action Catalog list contains all available actions that can be added to the Custom Toolbar. Included as the first element in the list is a line separator that can be used for visual separation between actions.  

Tool Bar Contents

The Tool Bar Contents list contains all the actions, separators and ordering that are currently applied to the Custom Toolbar


The Add button will add the selected Action in the Action Catalog list to the Tool Bar Contents list. 


The Remove button will remove the selected Action from the Tool Bar Contents list. 


The Up or Down button will move the currently selected Action in the Tool Bar Contents list in the appropriate direction. An order change in the Tool Bar Contents list will be reflected in the Custom Toolbar from Left to Right or Top to Bottom depending on the layout orientation of the Custom Toolbar.


Clicking Ok will apply the new layout as defined in the Tool Bar Contents list to the Custom Toolbar and close the dialog.


Clicking Cancel will revert all changes. 

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