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Qimera 2.6.3 Release

August 8, 2024

We are pleased to present Qimera 2.6.3. 


  • Fixed the known issue from the Qimera 2.6.2 release where a crash could occur when working with the Slice Editor or Cable/Pipe TOP Detection Tool. This affected all related actions on the Dynamic Grid, such as cleaning.

  • Added a new Attribute threshold to the Grid Statistics tool, which is user defined and provides the resulting number of cells in the grid that meet the user defined threshold in the Attribute Statistics.


  • Fixed some issues with the Water Column dock that occurred with the Qimera 2.6.0 release. Items such as geopicking and stacked view have been improved.

  • Added the option to copy the ASCII format help strings when using the ASCII parser during import.

  • Added the option to select the Grid Depth Layer (Shallow, Average, Deep, CUBE) when exporting to a BAG file.

  • Added new GSF file naming options when exporting to GSF. A filename pattern can be specified to customize the GSF export name.

  • Added a file list of the lines and the reference grid that are used in the Cross Check tool.


  • Processing / Source Files

    • Fixed an issue with Spot Sounding generation when a project has extended ASCII characters in the name.

    • Fixed a crash that occasionally happened when selecting a source file after running TU Delft Sound Speed Inversion.

    • Fixed unloading point edits to GSF where the first unload was unloading all points that were not accepted, regardless if their status was changed after import.

    • Aligned the spin box values in the blocking settings.

    • Fixed a crash when importing old version .all files.

    • Fixed a crash when the last detection of a dynamic cable/pipe was deleted.

    • Fixed the import processed point filter options when importing geographic points.

    • Fixed an issue with kmall files where the position and height information was not being extracted.

    • Fixed an issue where a navigation file would not import if the filename exceeded 256 characters.

    • Made the motion sensor SD Heave Variable uncertainty value clear in the uncertainty settings. 5%.

    • Fixed an issue where the z shift filter was shifting nadir soundings incorrectly.

    • Fixed an issue with secondary depth/pressure system priorities when coming from Qinsy.

  • Tools and Editors

    • Fixed the Cable/Pipetracker TOP Detection tool saving the DX smoothing after closing and re-opening the tool.

    • Added more intervals to the X axis of the Grid Statistics histogram.

    • Fixed an issue with the background color of the profile plot when it was changed, and did not update right away.

    • Fixed a crash when using the 2D slice editor in a master project.

    • Fixed an issue with the Cable/Pipe TOP Detection tool where the next detection was being shown for the current location.

    • Fixed the link between the mouse location in the time series editor and the vessel track lines, red ball.

    • Fixed an issue when renaming a Dynamic Grid would cause it to lose it’s association with dynamic cable/pipe objects.

    • Fixed an issue where the Squat model was not applying to all survey lines if there were multiple vessel entries.

    • Fixed a crash in the time series multiplot after removing all previous parameters and adding a new parameter.

    • Fixed an issue with the Line Height Matching Tool where running the tool a second time was overwriting rather than appending the result.

    • Fixed the auto line pairing when the file selection was reversed.

    • Adjusted the vertical exaggeration value in the Profile dock when using Ctrl + scrollwheel to zoom vertically.

    • Fixed some invalid values in the shifting tools that appeared as straight lines after using the Navigation editor.

    • Grid statistics will now prompt for a Plane Height value, which can be left at 0.0, and will specify the Volume above and below the plane height in the Grid information section.

    • Fixed an issue with the Qinsy Object track height not being used in the Navigation Editor.

    • Fixed an issue with the Cable/Pipe TOP Detection tool where detections would be skipped with a 0.5m step interval.

    • Fixed an issue with CUBE hypothesis editing after the CUBE surface resolution was changed.

    • Fixed an issue where the 3D slice editor would not re-open after closing it while in free dock mode.

    • Fixed an issue with the Cable/Pipe TOP Detection tool where the initial press of the “w”, move selection forward, was not registering.

  • Importing / Exporting

    • When creating a BAG from a CUBE grid, grid nodes that do not contain a TVU value are trimmed on export.

    • Fixed an issue with SBET import in Qimera 2.6.2 where heights were not being correctly transformed.

    • Added options to export a screenshot of the Grid Statistics window.

    • Added text output for the Grid Statistics histogram.

    • Fixed an issue after importing a SVP file and the zoom to bounds wasn’t working.

    • Fixed a plotting issue when exporting the patch test results to PDF.

    • Added the option to type in the date/time for SBET import as well as use the calendar.

    • Fixed a half cell offset when exporting a Dynamic Grid to Static Grid and then re-importing the static grid.

    • Fixed a crash when importing a kmall dual head file when one head is turned off.

    • Fixed a shift between a static grid and imported TIFF file.

    • Fixed an issue when exporting multiple SVPs to Hypack v2 where the first entry in the second SVP was the last entry from the first SVP.

    • Fixed a crash when exporting a S7K file to GSF.

    • Fixed an issue when importing GSF files as raw sonar files where the Rx sign convention in the vessel editor would sometimes be auto-detected improperly, resulting in a reversed positive direction.

    • Fixed a kmall export to GSF that was getting stuck at 100% progress.

  • Other

    • Fixed a graphics related crash that would occur randomly.

    • Fixed an installation issue where the installer would not finish when installing Qimera or FMGT.

    • Fixed an issue where the progress in the Job Activity info message would list higher than 100%.

    • Fixed an issue with the Grid Edit Overview not showing edited areas.

    • Fixed an issue when upgrading projects from Qimera 2.3.5 and earlier versions.

For Kongsberg EM3000, EM3002, EM2040, EM2040C, EM2040P, and EM2040M systems with internal array offsets, certain workflows where a full Sound Velocity Correction was not the last processing update (Direct-to-QPD or Renav operations were used instead) had the internal array offsets applied incorrectly in versions prior to this release.

For EM2040M this was at most a 7 cm depth error. For all other systems this is seen as a 1-2 cm depth error. The magnitude of the error is dependent on the rotation of the transducer so tilted dual head systems will see more and horizontally mounted single head systems will see almost no error.

A full reprocess (Tools -> Manual Processing -> Sound Velocity Correction) of any files suspected of being impacted will correct the issue.

Known Issues

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