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Qimera 2.6.2 Release

December 20, 2023

We are pleased to present Qimera 2.6.2. 


  • Added Autozoom capability to the Patch Test Tool and Wobble Analysis Tool to better handle plot updates.

  • GSF import will now try and auto-detect the source datum if it was populated in the .gsf. Only geographic coordinate systems will be available for selection when importing to avoid confusion.

  • Added auto reporting to the Line Height Matching Tool.

  • The filter preview in the slice editor will allow you to continue to use Qimera if an expensive filter is being previewed.

  • Editing the cable/pipe TOP detection will now regenerate the X-Point listings (if available) position for that detection.


  • Processing / Source Files

    • Fixed the Filter Profile selection when running a filter on selected files.

    • Fixed the Systems to Filter option when running a filter on selected files.

    • Added back the warning in the Activity Log when creating an empty grid.

    • Fixed a loop of warning messages displayed when using the time series editor and autoprocessing was selected. 

    • Fixed a string comparison error that caused GGK position strings to not be read from .kmall files.

    • Fixed an issue with recompute colormap range not working for processed point files.

    • Fixed an issue reading the sensor depth from .kmall files.

    • Fixed a crash when importing a .jsf file with no sound speed recorded in the file.

    • Added a warning message when files fail to process, potentially due to being open elsewhere.

    • Fixed a crash when adjusting the colormap range of .sd point files.

    • Fixed a crash when reading .kmall watercolum packets with a large number of samples.

    • Fixed a crash when importing a .kmall file where one head of a dual head system was turned off.

    • Fixed an issue when extracting a CUBE hypothesis strength layer when the values are 0.

    • Fixed an issue creating TVU layers when the soundings are in the colormap underflow or overflow color.

    • Fixed an offset issue when viewing water column from a Reson T-series dual head multibeam.

    • Fixed an off by one beam numbering issue when filtering or blocking.

  • Tools and Editors

    • Fixed the filter preview in the cable/pipe TOP detection tool when the filter profile was changed.

    • Fixed the Systems to Filter option when running a filter in the cable/pipe TOP detection tool.

    • Fixed an issue with the slice editor toolbar buttons being disabled when using the polygon selection.

    • The ctrl key will now invert the accept/reject selection in the Swath Editor.

    • Fixed an issue when saving snapshots in the Slice Editor.

    • Improved the speed of the cable/pipe TOP detection tool.

    • Fixed the sounding selection in the water column viewer when using a stacked buffer.

    • Fixed an issue with the patch test tool not removing temporary files when it was run from Qinsy.

    • Disabled the geopicking dock when using the patch test tool.

    • Fixed an issue where the first ping was not being displayed in the Water Column viewer.

    • Fixed an issue where sounding flags were not being preserved in the slice editor after moving the selection off and back onto the dynamic grid.

  • Importing / Exporting

    • FAU export will now have include rejected soundings on by default, to ensure beam number alignment if re-importing cleaned .fau files.

    • Fixed a crash when exporting to CAD objects.

    • Fixed a column alignment issue when exporting a cable/pipe to ASCII with X-Point Listings created.

    • Fixed an issue importing SVPs with negative sound speeds.

    • Fixed an issue with the layer extents from a multi-layer static grid.

    • Fixed a crash when exporting to GSF from a raw sonar file with a corrupt packet.

    • Fixed an issue when converting feet to meters when importing binary navigation.

    • Fixed a crash when the metadata for a tide file is corrupt or missing.

    • Disabled the Include raw backscatter imagery checkbox when exporting to GSF if the raw bathymetry and snippets are not present.

    • Exporting to a Static Grid Layer and overwriting a layer will preserve the layer order.

    • Fixed an issue when exporting files to GSF with extended ASCII characters.

    • Added a better warning when the path length or filename is too long for Windows to handle.

  • Other

    • Fixed an issue with the Dynamic Lighting (old Fledermaus 7 shading).

Known Issues

  • When opening projects created in Qimera 2.3.5 and earlier, we recommend encapsulating the project to get around a bug when upgrading Dynamic Surfaces. Occasionally the upgrade process will fail due to a filepath issue, and a new Dynamic Grid will need to be created in the current Qimera version.

  • When working with the Slice Editor or Cable/Pipe TOP Detection Tool, a file relating to the Dynamic Grid may become corrupt. This will affect all related actions on the Dynamic Grid, such as cleaning, and might cause a crash. If this occurs we recommend closing Qimera and renaming/removing the .grdtrail file (ie.“Grid name.grdtrail”) in your Project Folder/GridData/Dynamic Grid folder. UPDATE: This has been fixed in Qimera 2.6.3.

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