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Qimera 2.6.0 - Known Issues

For this release, the following are known issues which we plan to address in upcoming releases.



Affects Version/s

Expected Fix Version


Filter toolbars to "Accept All Soundings" and "Revert Manual Edits" do not have the intended effect when used in a Cooperative Cleaning project to override cleaning that was done manually in the Master project prior to creating the Cooperative Cleaning project. 

Suggested workflow is to use the manual re-accept tools in the Slice Editor and 3D Editor.




There is a bug in the GSF export tool when batch exporting many files, typically several hundred files. Sometimes Qimera will crash and other times the snippets are not exported.

A workaround if you experience this is to export in smaller batches and re-export GSF files that are missing snippets.




When working with the Slice Editor or Cable/Pipe TOP Detection Tool, a file relating to the Dynamic Grid may become corrupt. This will affect all related actions on the Dynamic Grid, such as cleaning, and might cause a crash. If this occurs we recommend closing Qimera and renaming/removing the .grdtrail file (ie.“Grid name.grdtrail”) in your Project Folder/GridData/Dynamic Grid folder. We are looking into this and aim to fix this in Qimera 2.6.3.



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