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Qimera 2.5.0 - Important Notes

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Existing Qimera users with a license that is under maintenance will be able to install and run Qimera 2.5 alongside Qimera 1, using the same license. 

If you have a Qimera Offshore license only, you will not be able to run versions 2.3 and earlier of Qimera since the older versions are not aware of the new product license code for Qimera Offshore.


The Qimera installer will install by default into sub-directories with the version name under the typical install path, which is usually C:\Program Files\QPS\Qimera.  This allows multiple installations quite easily and follows the trend that Qinsy has been using for some time.  Users with Qimera 1.X or 2.X already installed will find that Qimera 2.5.0 will install into the Qimera 1 directory, but in the 2.5.0 sub-directory of the Qimera 1 installation folder.

QPS Project and file format versions

The Qimera project version has NOT been incremented.

End of support for Qimera on Linux RHEL 6

Please note that Qimera has dropped support for Linux RHEL 6 in all versions. The minimum supported version is now RHEL 7.

Windows 11 is officially supported

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