Qimera 2.4.0 - Improvements
On this page:
Link Tool vessel type is now supported
Qimera has added support for the Link Tool vessel type as defined in Qinsy.
Link Tool, ROV, AUV vessel types now read transducer depth from QPD
For underwater vehicles that have no depth or pressure systems and a QPD was saved online, or generated by Qinsy's replay tool, Qimera will now read the transducer depth from the QPD and use it as the first entry for raytracing (unless overridden in the processing settings). Previously, the first entry for raytracing when using an underwater vehicle was available only with a depth or pressure sensor present.
Colormap adjustment for multiple selected surfaces
Qimera will now show the histogram and allow for left click, right click histogram adjustment for the color range when multiple surfaces are selected. This allows for easy matching of different surface color ranges. This works for Dynamic Surfaces, Static Surfaces and Scalar Surfaces.
Horizontal and Vertical shift tools now log messages to the Process History
The horizontal and vertical shift tools added in Qimera 2.3.0 will now log messages to the project history. These can be reviewed in the Process History Dock by double clicking on the process name.
Create Route/Lines/Dynamic Cables or Pipes from selection modes, profile tool, or measure tool
Qimera now allows for the creation of routes, lines, and dynamic cables or pipes from selection modes (like lasso and polygon), using the profile tool or measure tool. After drawing in the Scene, right clicking in the Scene or by opening the Layer menu, you are presented with three options to create line object/route/dynamic Cable/Pipe from current selection. This will add the newly drawn line, route or cable/pipe to the project layers. Line objects can also be turned into a project route by right clicking on the line object and selecting use line object as route.
Toolbar items hidden
Fixed a toolbar issue where some toolbar items would be hidden unless the toolbar was expanded to it's full size.