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Qimera 2.3.3 Release

The Feedback Project helps us to continue improving our software products. Vote or implement feedback and participate in the process by tracking, watching and commenting on issues!

17 February 2021

We are pleased to present Qimera 2.3.3.

Improvements and Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash when importing ASCII navigation that would also re-occur when re-opening the project
  • Fixed a crash when exporting KMALL to GSF when the KMALL had extra detections enabled
  • Improved QPD unloading so any soundings that failed to unload could be unloaded again

Voting System

For more information, see our Voting System Policy  and Using the Voting System

The Voting System helps us to continue improving our software products. Vote or provide feedback and participate in the process by tracking, watching and commenting on issues!

The Feedback Project helps us to continue improving our software products. Vote or implement feedback and participate in the process by tracking, watching and commenting on issues!


Click on the icon above and vote on or create a Suggestion issue! 

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