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Qimera 2.3.1 - Important Notes

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Existing Qimera users with a license that is under maintenance will be able to install and run Qimera 2.3 alongside Qimera 1, using the same license.  No changes to the license configuration have been made with this release with the exception of the Height Matching add-on now including the new Horizontal and Vertical shifting tools.


The Qimera installer will install by default into sub-directories with the version name under the typical install path, which is usually C:\Program Files\QPS\Qimera.  This allows multiple installations quite easily and follows the trend that Qinsy has been using for some time.  Users with Qimera 1.X or 2.X already installed will find that Qimera 2.3.1 will install into the Qimera 1 directory, but in the 2.3.1 sub-directory of the Qimera 1 installation folder.

QPS Project and file format versions

With this release, the QPS project version has NOT been upgraded and projects are therefore compatible with previous projects made with Qimera 2.2, but not with projects created in Qimera 2.1 or earlier (due to a project number change with the release of Qimera 2.2). The project number is upgraded rarely, in the case of the previous Qimera 2.2 release, it was done due to significant changes to the Grid 5 file format and ancillary files.  These changes prevent the use of these surfaces in previous versions of Qimera.

Projects created with Qimera 1.X or Qimera 2.1 can be upgraded to work in Qimera 2.3 but it will not be possible to go back. It is suggested to back up a Qimera 1 or Qimera 2.1 project prior to opening it in Qimera 2.3, in case problems are encountered.

Before the upgrade of a Qimera 1 or a Qimera 2.1 project, a backup of existing Dynamic Surfaces will be made in the project to ease recovery in case of problems.

Support for Qimera v1.X


Qimera 1 will be replaced by Qimera 2. This means that support will stop on December 31st, 2021.

Support for Qimera 1:

What will be supported until the end-of-life:

  • Fixes and patches will in general only be for critical and blocker bugs. Less critical bugs are also candidates to be fixed but this is not guaranteed.
  • The software will be tested by our test protocols for the current operating systems.
  • Support questions will be answered.
  • Training for Qimera 1 until December 31st, 2021.
  • On site support for Qimera 1 until December 31st, 2021.

Qimera 1 will reach end of support on December 31st, 2021. Following this date, no fixes or patches will be made available. 

Following this date issues related to Qimera 1 versions will not be processed. Support questions will not be answered.

No training or on site support will be given.

Note that perpetual Qimera 1 licenses will continue to function.

End of support for Qimera on Windows 7

Microsoft has ended Support for Windows 7 in January 2020 and QPS will also stop supporting Windows 7. Qimera v2.2 was tested on Windows 7 without a problem, but as announced with the v2.2. release notes, it is the last version that will be tested for Windows 7. Qimera 2.3 is not tested for Windows 7.
Any problems with this version related to the Operating System will not be solved.

It is highly recommended to switch to Windows 10.

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