Qimera 1.5.5 Release
14 September 2017, We're pleased to present Qimera 1.5.5
- Qimera now supports the new Kongsberg .kmall format. Kongsberg will be releasing this format soon and Qimera is ready to handle it.
- Teledyne-Reson Integrated Dual Head (IDH) for Reson T20P and T50P systems in S7K format. Qimera previously already supported these systems when acquired in QINSy using the QPS .db format. The new T series systems allow you to log data from the two heads into a single .s7k data file and Qimera will now recognize this correctly as a dual-head system and will attempt to use any user specified mount angles and lever arms offsets for the sonar heads. Qimera extracts the sonar head mount angles, etc, from the 7503 record which may or may not be present. Even if present, the mount angles may or may not be populated depeding on the configuration in the acquisition system. In these cases, users may need to input the vessel configuration information manually. These can be saved as a vessel template file for re-use on later import sessions for files coming from the same mapping system. In the event the 7503 record is not present, Qimera will display a Warning message in the Job Activity window, and users can check which records are contained in the .s7k file by using the Datagram Viewer tool.
- ASCII processed point file export from raw sonar files now has the option of XYZ + Time. The time is in M/D/Y H:M:S format.
- When selecting a project coordinate system from the Create Project dialog, the manual selection field now offers auto complete with searching in any part of the CRS name. Example, typing 19 into the field will display all CRS names that contain the string '19'.
- Qimera live now also finds companion QPDs along with the DBs. This will speed up Qimera Live significantly when used with QINSy as well as allow for Qimera to work instantly with QPDs that contain filtering, smoothing, or position that aren't yet available in Qimera.
- Kongsberg .all files with the MBSystem MBIO format ID of 58 are now supported for direct import into Qimera. The full extension of these filenames would be '.all.mb58'. It is no longer necessary to rename the files to '.all'.
Technical Notes
- The Standard Deviation of certain sensors that are set differently in the Computation Settings (vs the DB Setup) are now handled correctly. The value from the Computation will be used.
- There was a problem with re-exporting GSF files from SABER, this has been fixed.
- Previously, the menu buttons in the Profile Dock were not active until a source file was selected. The menu buttons will now be active as soon as there is a profile plotted.
- Shading was not being updated when switching between Fast shading and Mixed shading in the Qimera Preferences. This has been fixed.
- The NAV-O sounding selection filter was impacted by a change in a previous version. It is now working properly.
- KP values that are present in QPDs coming from QINSy are now preserved. Previously, they were lost when reprocessing in Qimera.
- Older DB files that had both R2Sonic TruePix and MBES data logged were causing problems with the water column display. This has been resolved.
- When importing a GSF, the 'Applied offsets' embedded in the GSF will now be correctly interpreted and applied to the Vessel Editor.
- Fixed a problem with exporting Reson T20P to GSF.