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Installation Guide


This page contains brief notes for installation requirements or instructions for the supported platforms, Windows, Mac and Linux.  References are to Fledermaus 8 (Fm8), but apply to Qimera as well.

Table of contents:


This page applies equally to Fledermaus 8 and Qimera 2.  The install location is "\Program Files\QPS\Fledermaus8\<version>" by default for Fm8 and "\Program Files\QPS\Qimera\" for Qimera. 


This page applies equally to Fledermaus 8 and Qimera 2.  The install location is "/Applications/QPS/" for Fm8 and "/Applications/QPS/" for Qimera.


Note that neither Fledermaus 8 nor Qimera support Wayland, is required.  Specific distros may have additional requirements, outlined in the following for each distro.  Other distros than those listed may work if equivalent packages that contain the necessary libraries are available.

It is assumed that a normal or standard desktop installation is used.  Installation from minimal installation is not covered or supported.

Start Fledermaus from the command line to see errors.  There is usually a lot of output, most of which is not error messages.  In the event of an error, a short message will result.  Check the section, Examples of Error Messages, for the relevant distro that you are using for an illustration of the error and the package to install.

Be sure that your system is up to date and that it has the latest packages available.  If an error occurs when installing packages stating "Package cannot be found" or similar, update your system. 

Select your system from the list:

RedHat Enterprise Linux 7


Also, CentOS 7.  On a clean system, two libraries must be installed to enable QPS applications to run

  • May require the mesa-libGLU package.
  • May require the libglvnd-opengl package.

If Fledermaus does not start, open a Terminal and run Fledermaus from the command line.  To open a terminal (click Applications, then mouse over System Tools and finally click on Terminal).   See the following illustration:

Installing Required Libraries

Install the mesa-libGLU library as follows, using the yum command.  The command is:

        sudo yum install mesa-libGLU

Respond with "y" to install the package and press Enter.

Also install the libglvnd-opengl package if required.  The command is:

       sudo yum install libglvnd-opengl

Respond with "y" to install the package and press Enter.

Examples of Error Messages

Start Fledermaus from the command line to see errors.  There is usually a lot of output, most of which is not error messages.  In the event of an error, a short message will result. 

An example showing the error for a missing OpenGL library:

An example showing the error for missing mesa-libGLU:

Update System

To ensure that your system is up-to-date, in particular if an error occurs when installing packages stating that the package is not available, update your system.  In RHEL7 or CentOS7, open a terminal, thenrun the following command, then type "y" and press Enter:

       sudo yum update

Back to RHEL7

Back to Introduction

RedHat Enterprise Linux 8


Also, Rocky Linux 8.  Note that RHEL8 support requires to run QPS applications.  The following libraries may have to be installed to run the applications:

  • May require the mesa-libGLU package.
  • May require the following three packages (app will fail to start with an error about xcb):
    • xcb-util-image xcb-util-keysyms xcb-util-renderutil

  • May also require the following package, if required: xcb-util-wm

If Fledermaus does not start, open a Terminal and run Fledermaus from the command line.  To open a terminal (click Activities, then type terminal, finally click the terminal icon or press Enter).   See the following illustration:


Requires, currently does not work with Wayland (app will fail to start with an error about wayland).

To enable, edit the file, /etc/gdm/custom.conf:

Then uncomment or add the line, WaylandEnable=false, as seen here:

Save the file, then reboot the machine.  The machine should now use

Installing Required Libraries

Install the mesa-libGLU library as follows, using the yum command.  The command is:

        yum install mesa-libGLU

Respond with "y" to install the package and press Enter.

Similarly, install the xcb packages as follows, pressing "y" then Enter to install the packages.  The command is:

       yum install xcb-util-image xcb-util-keysyms xcb-util-renderutil

Successful installation of packages finishes with a list of the installed packages and the word "Complete!", as seen here:

If Fledermaus still does not start (in particular on RedHat CentOS8), try installing xcb-util-wm:

    yum install xcb-util-wm

Examples of Error Messages

Start Fledermaus from the command line to see errors.  There is usually a lot of output, most of which is not error messages.  In the event of an error, a short message will result.  An example showing the error for missing mesa-libGLU:

An example showing an error message with xcb:

Update System

To ensure that your system is up-to-date, in particular if an error occurs when installing packages stating that the package is not available, update your system.  In RHEL8 or Rocky Linux 8, run the following command, then type "y" and press Enter:

       sudo yum update

Back to RHEL8

Back to Introduction

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS


The following libraries may have to be installed to run the applications:

  • May require the package libopengl0.
  • May require Ubuntu packages libxcb-xinerama0  and libxcb-xinput0 (app will fail to start with an error about xcb).

If Fledermaus does not start, open a Terminal and run Fledermaus from the command line.  To open a terminal (click Activities, then type terminal, finally click the terminal icon or press Enter).   See the following illustration:

Installing Required Libraries

It is assumed that a standard desktop installation of Ubuntu 18.04 is being used.  There may still be a few libraries to install to enable Fledermaus 8 to run.  The libraries required are listed above, the following is a step-by-step guide illustrating to those not familiar with installing packages from the command line on Ubuntu on how to install the requisite packages.   See the Summary for the list of possible addtional packages required.

First, open a terminal (click Activities, then type terminal, then click the terminal icon or press Enter).  Install the libopengl0 package as follows.  The command is:

       sudo apt install libopengl0

If an error concerning xcb occurs, install the xcb packages as follows, using the following command:

      sudo apt install libxcb-xinerama0 libxcb-xinput0

Examples of Error Messages

In the event that the libopengl0 package is required, the following error occurs:

This error occurs when the xcb libraries need to be installed.  Note the mention of the platform plugin xcb.

System Update

To ensure that your system is up-to-date, in particular if an error occurs when installing packages stating that the package is not available, update your system.  In Ubuntu, open a terminal, then run the following sequence of commands, responding with "y" to the prompts:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -d
sudo apt upgrade


Back to Ubuntu 18.04

Back to Introduction

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS


A normal or standard install of Ubuntu 20.04 may require the following libraries to be installed:

    • May require Ubuntu packages libxcb-xinerama0  and libxcb-xinput0 (app will fail to start with an error about xcb).
    • May require the Ubuntu package libjpeg62

If Fledermaus does not start, open a Terminal and run Fledermaus from the command line.  To open a terminal (click Activities, then type terminal, then click the terminal icon or press Enter).   See the following illustration:

Installing Required Libraries

It is assumed that a standard desktop installation of Ubuntu 20.04 is being used.  There may still be a few libraries to install to enable Fledermaus 8 to run.  The libraries required are listed above, the following is a step-by-step guide illustrating to those not familiar with installing packages from the command line on Ubuntu on how to install the requisite packages.   See the Summary for the list of possible addtional packages required.

If an error concerning xcb occurs, install the xcb packages as follows, using the following command:

      sudo apt install libxcb-xinerama0 libxcb-xinput0

The command for libjpeg62, required for processing meshes:

    sudo apt install libjpeg62

Examples of Error Messages

This error occurs when the xcb libraries need to be installed.  Note the mention of the platform plugin xcb.

System Update

To ensure that your system is up-to-date, in particular if an error occurs when installing packages stating that the package is not available, update your system.  In Ubuntu, open a terminal, then run the following sequence of commands, responding with "y" to the prompts:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -d
sudo apt upgrade

Back to Ubuntu 20.04

Back to Introduction

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

As of Ubuntu 22.04.1 with the following as required:

    • May require Ubuntu packages libxcb-xinerama0  and libxcb-xinput0 (app will fail to start with an error about xcb).
    • May require the Ubuntu package libjpeg62
    • Requires, currently does not work with Wayland (app will fail to start with an error about wayland).

If Fledermaus does not start, open a Terminal and run Fledermaus from the command line.  To open a terminal (click Activities, then type terminal, then click the terminal icon or press Enter).   See the following illustration:


See the section for RHEL8:  Enabling

Installing Required Libraries

It is assumed that a standard desktop installation of Ubuntu 22.04 is being used.  There may still be a few libraries to install to enable Fledermaus 8 to run.  The libraries required are listed above, the following is a step-by-step guide illustrating to those not familiar with installing packages from the command line on Ubuntu on how to install the requisite packages.   See the Summary for the list of possible addtional packages required.

If an error concerning xcb occurs, install the xcb packages as follows, using the following command:

      sudo apt install libxcb-xinerama0 libxcb-xinput0

The command for libjpeg62, required for processing meshes:

    sudo apt install libjpeg62

Examples of Error Messages

This error occurs when the xcb libraries need to be installed.  Note the mention of the platform plugin xcb.

System Update

To ensure that your system is up-to-date, in particular if an error occurs when installing packages stating that the package is not available, update your system.  In Ubuntu, open a terminal, then run the following sequence of commands, responding with "y" to the prompts:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -d
sudo apt upgrade

Back to Ubuntu 22.04

Back to Introduction

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