How-to Tips and Tricks
Common tips and tricks for using Qimera.
On this page:
Navigation and Exploration
Shift + Left Click in 2D / 4D window
In order to avoid exiting a measure or selection mode, or the redrawing of a selection box, you can Shift + Left Click on the 2D / 4D window to move or rotate.
Mouse Wheel
The mouse scroll wheel can be used to zoom in and out of many plots and displays.
Combined with the zoom button, this can be very useful for adjusting plot dimensions or aspect ratio.
Selection Shortcuts
- (R)ectangular Select
- (P)olygon Select
- (F)reehand Select
- (C) Fixed Slice Select
- (Shift + C) Free Slice Select
- (Shift + L) Scroll Select
Filtering and Editing
- (1) Open selected lines in Swath Editor
- (2) Open selection in Slice Editor (Must have a Dynamic Surface selected)
- (3) Open selection in 3D Editor (Must have a Dynamic Surface selected)
- (U) Open CUBE Filtering Settings Dialog (Must have a CUBE dynamic surface selected)
Moving a Selection or Slice box
- W,A,S,D keys move ahead, back, left and right. This moves either the selection box or the slice, depending on which mode you are in.
- Shift + W,A,S,D moves the entire selection box while in Fixed and Free Slice Select modes.
- Q & E rotate the slice or selection boxes if it is possible.
View Shortcuts
- (T) Toggle between 2D and 3D view
- (Z)oom to selected object
- (Shift + Z)oom to scene
File Shortcuts
- (Ctrl + F) open project folder in File Explorer (Windows)
- (Ctrl + O)pen project
Other Tips
Point Size and Color By selection
The Point Size and Color By buttons (
- Clicking on the icon will cycle through all the options.
- 'Clicking and holding' will bring up a list of the options (see Figures 1a and b):
Figure 1a and b. Holding down to view point size and plot color options.
These cycle-through icons are located in the Slice and Swath Editors, Time Series tools, Wobble and Patch Test tools as well as the SVP Editor.