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How-to Set up a Project and Geodetic Settings

This article will help you set up a new project.

On this page:

Set up Geodetics in a new project

Go to Project Browser and create a new project

From this point on there are three ways to set up a new project:

  1. Allow it to automatically choose the projection when files are added, which
    • Chooses UTM zone automatically for first file for non-Qinsy data
    • Extracts projection from Qinsy file, if .db/.qpd files are provided
  2. Specify a projected coordinate reference system
  3. Set up your CRS from scratch using the Full geodetic configuration

1. Automatic

For a predefined setup click on the drop down menu.

Here you will find:

  1. Recently Used geodetic setups if you have done it before and/or saved a custom created one
  2. QPS Defined, which are the Qinsy predefined datums

2. WKT File

If you have a WKT file (can be saved via the SETUP CRS option below).

  1. You are able to select the WKT file which will populate the Datum for this project

3. Set up Project Coordinate System

For a CRS setup from scratch you now have to set up the Project CRS:

  1. The project CRS is the Target datum.

  1. This can either be set up by loading a complete predefined datum transformation,
  2. Or by loading a WKT file.

  1. You can load a specific existing ellipsoidal datum (e.g. WGS84, ETRS89, different local datum, etc.)
    1. In case you still want to do a datum transformation you will have to do it manually, please keep reading.
  2. If set up correctly you will see a green check-mark

  1. Set up Target datum by using the magnifying glass.
  2. If set up correctly you will see a green check-mark.

If you still want to set up the datum transformation, you can do it in two ways:

1 Select Input geographics first, once target datum is selected:

  1. Set up Source Datum
  2. Set up correct Transformation
  3. If set up correctly you will see a green check-mark

2 Select transformation first:
  1. A list with existing related transformations is available
  2. Once selected the Source datum will be auto-populated
  3. If set up correctly you will see a green check-mark

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