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Qimera Dynamic Surface Menu

Qimera - Dynamic Surface Menu

The dynamic surface menu allows you to perform many operations on a Dynamic Surface, such as: export utilities while others are in analysis or further processing.

Create Dynamic Surface

Launches the Create Dynamic Surface dialog.

Create Clipped Dynamic Surface

Launches the Create Clipped Dynamic Surface dialog.

Change Resolution

Launches the Change Resolution dialog.

Duplicate Dynamic Surface

Launches the Duplicate Dynamic Surface dialog.

Append Lines to Dynamic Surface

Launches the Append To Dynamic Surface dialog. 

Remove Lines from Dynamic Surface

Launches the Remove Lines dialog.

Unload Changes

Launches the Qimera Unload Processed Point File Dialog to save edits back to processed point files that support unloading.

Select Associated Source Files

This will clear the current line selection and select all the lines in the scene associated with the currently selected Dynamic Surface.

Interpolate Dynamic Surface

Launches the Interpolate Dynamic Surface Dialog used to configure the interpolation algorithm. 

Filter Out Soundings in Lonely Cells

Launches the Qimera Filter Out Soundings in Lonely Cells Dialog used to remove small blocks of cells detached from the main body of the dynamic surface.

Re-compute Colormap Range

This will re-compute the colormap range used for the selected dynamic surface based on the accepted data range.  This also changes the user range to the accepted data range.

Re-compute Surface Illumination

This will launch a job to re-compute the surface illumination for the currently selected Dynamic Surface.  This option is relevant only if you are in Mixed Shading mode.  This is typically done automatically during dynamic surface generation.  If you have an active selection, the computation will be done within the minimum bounding rectangle of that selection.

Re-display Surfaces

This will tell the 3D scene to redraw all of its surfaces which can be useful if any rendering glitches appear or after long editing sessions to make sure you are seeing all of the latest edits.

Snapshot as Static Surface

This will launch the Snapshot as Static Surface dialog.

Create THU and TVU layers

This will create two static surfaces; one for THU and another for TVU. The units are the same as the THU and TVU of a beam, project units (ft/m) scaled to 95% confidence interval.

Extract Dynamic Surface Layer

This will launch the Extract Dynamic Surface Layer dialog. 

Create Survey Area

This will open a file browser to select the name for the survey area SD object.  It will then automatically be added to the scene.  A survey area object is a Fledermaus Line SD object of the outline of the survey area.  Qimera will also report the area in square meters.

Surface Statistics

This will launch the Surface Statistics dialog. This option will be greyed out if you have a static surface selected.

Create Flag Markers

This will launch the Create Flag Markers dialog.

Set Checked Area

This will set the checked bit flag in the cells covered by the current selection.  This option will only work if you have a dynamic surface selected and a spatial area selected.  You can then view checked areas by using the Highlight By option of the Qimera Project Layers Dock for Dynamic Surfaces.  This bit can only be cleared by using the Reset Checked Area option below.  The checked bit flag is also independent of the visited/edited areas seen in the Surface Edit Overview Dock.

Checked Area

The Set/Reset Checked Area options are no longer in the 3D Editor as they are available here and through the shortcut keys.

Reset Checked Area

This will clear the checked bit flag in the cells covered by the current selection.  This option will only work if you have a dynamic surface selected and a spatial area selected.  

Select Sounding

This will launch the Sounding Selection dialog.

Show Cell Info

This will launch the Cell Info dialog.

CUBE Sub-Menu

Re-CUBE Area

This will launch the Re-Cube Area dialog. 

Filter Soundings

This will launch the Filter Soundings dialog. 

Create Hypotheses from Feature

This will launch the Create Custom Hypothesis from Features dialog. 

CUBE Options

This will launch the CUBE Options dialog.

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