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Qimera 2.5.1 Release

November 4, 2022

We are pleased to present Qimera 2.5.1


  • BAG export will now export the TVU layer or Slope corrected uncertainty, with the option to select the uncertainty code 
  • Exporting a Dynamic Surface to ASCII will now remember the depth resolution
  • Exporting raw sonar files to ASCII can now be limited to include just additional soundings
  • Exporting soundings to ASCII will now allow you to select the number of decimal places for fields that contain decimals. The date/time format and lat/long format can also be set
  • TU Delft Sound Speed Inversion will now work in projects with units set to Feet


  • Processing / Source Files
    • Fixed an issue with DB-QPD matching when the project was opened in Survey Manager before being opened in Qimera
    • Fixed an issue with Heading standard deviation not being extracted from binary navigation SMRMSG files
    • Fixed an issue with text orientation in CAD files and failure to import some CAD files
    • Fixed an issue with an incorrect warning message about some systems appearing to be turned off for raw sonar files
    • Squat table will now be loaded from Qinsy .db files 
    • Fixed an issue where you could edit soundings while the TU Delft Sound Speed Inversion process was running
  • Tools and Editors
    • Fixed an issue with the slice editor losing the selection after the ESC key has been pressed. The selection area was no longer being displayed
    • Fixed an issue with TU Delft Sound Speed Inversion tool that was giving strange results when using a full search
    • Fixed an issue when opening the 3D editor or slice editor without a selection
    • Fixed an issue with DB-QPD matching when launching Qimera Patch test from Survey Manager
    • Fixed an issue with the water column settings changing when the workspace was changed
    • Changed the ping buffer slider in the swath editor to be a spin box for more accurate adjustment of the number of pings in the swath buffer
  • Importing / Exporting
    • Exporting shoalest soundings will now write out all the selected attributes
  • Other
    • Fixed a Dynamic Surface rendering issue where parts of the surface were not rendered. Previously there was a need to hit F5 to redisplay the surface
    • Fixed a crash on Mac and Linux when closing or switching projects and a dynamic cable/pipe was visible in the project
    • Added a cancel button for Create Survey Area

Voting System

In this release, we have completed 8 feedback items, which satisfies 78 votes. For more information, see our Voting system Policy  and Using the Voting System

The Feedback Project helps us to continue improving our software products. At the moment, our Voting System is down as described at the top of the Voting system Policy page. Despite the system being inaccessible for voting for a short period, we still use it to prioritize developments while we await a solution from our provider, Atlassian.

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