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Qimera 2.4.9 Release

2 June 2022

We are pleased to present Qimera 2.4.9.


  • Significant changes to how the cable/pipe tools reference position:
    • The Cable/Pipe TOP Detection tool now works in survey units along the chosen line, rather than KP.
    • The Cable/Pipe Analysis tool and its ASCII export now work in survey units along the cable/pipe itself, rather than KP.
    • These changes allow support for detecting along slack loops and other scenarios where the KP does not necessarily increase with the distance along the line/cable/pipe.
    • These changes also avoid several problems when using "non-metric" routes.
    • KP/DX information is still available in the tool status bar's when hovering over the plots.
  • Add a new tool to manually snap a cable/pipe detection to a specific sounding. Unlike the older manual move tool, this will tie the TOP detection to that sounding, allowing for the cable/pipe to dynamically update if the sounding is later move during reprocessing.
  • New detections and manual edits made in the cable/pipe TOP Detection Control dock are now applied instantly.
  • It is now possible to save the cable/pipe to disk without closing the Cable/Pipe TOP Detection tool. Also, an option was added automatically save all changes to disk automatically.
  • When canceling a long TOP detection process, one can choose to keep all detections made up until the point of cancellation.
  • When doing an interpolated ASCII export of a cable/pipe, one can now specify the maximum detection gap over which the export will attempt to interpolate.
  • Added the ability to import cable/pipes from different projects for analysis/editing/export. This allows users to work on the same dataset simultaneously but doing TOP detection in different KP ranges. These cables/pipes can then be merged for a final deliverable, with ability to specify priority in the areas where they overlap.
  • Reference lines can now be imported from within the Cable/Pipe TOP Detection Tool and their locations will be drawn in the TOP detection control dock.
  • Added the ability to smooth between lines in the Navigation Editor and Cable/Pipe Tracker Sensor Editor.
  • Added the ability to  show or hide rejected points in the Navigation Editor and Cable/Pipe Tracker Sensor Editor.
  • Added the ability to select and manually shift a section of the height data in the Navigation Editor.
  • Added support for up to 10 tide stations in a single tide strategy.
  • Improved the performance of point loading for imported Large ASCII Processed Points Files. This is an improvement to the spatial index used in QPD files for point loading. To use the new spatial index with existing imports created previous to version 2.4.9, you can use Tools > Manual Processing > Update Spatial Index.


  • Processing / Source Files
    • Added support for the Ouster OS laser scanner.
    • Dry run timestamp for shift tools now have a date/time format rather than seconds from 1970.
    • Fixed the datagram viewer sonar type for EM3002 files.
    • Fixed a crash when processing KMALL files with only 2 positions.
    • Fixed a crash when viewing water column on S7K files with no 7004 packets.
    • The properties dock will now list if a file has water column when it is stored in a separate file (eg. .kmall and .kmwcd).
    • Fixed an issue where the depth layer would change back to Average after a resolution change.
    • Fixed an issue with the Reject Outside of Angle Range when using FAU files.
    • Fixed an issue with CUBE surface generation when creating a second CUBE surface.
    • When importing large ASCII point files, the guided workflow will now only prompt you once to generate a dynamic surface.
    • Fixed a geodetic issue when using a compound CRS that would display as a heading issue after reprocessing in Qimera.
    • Fixed a geodetic issue where height shifts were no longer applied properly after exporting a dynamic surface.
    • Fixed an issue where the custom BIN files are not selectable in the dropdown in geodetic configuration dialog.
  • Tools and Editors
    • Zooming behavior has been improved when navigating in the cable/pipe TOP detection tool.
    • Fixed an issue where the first few pings of a line were not being shifted when running the Vertical Shift Tool.
    • Improved the line height matching tool when no reference line was selected. The offsets between the lines are minimized.
    • Fixed an issue with smoothing in the cable/pipe tracker sensor editor where the first and last ping were not being smoothed.
    • Fixed an issue with dual head sonars not shifting one head correctly.
    • Fixed an issue when launching the cable/pipe TOP detection tool with a route that extends beyond the surface bounds.
    • Fixed an issue when inserting a cable/pipe TOP detection within 5mm of another detection.
    • Fixed an issue with the color not changing when adjusting the plotting colors in the cable/pipe TOP detection tool.
    • Fixed an issue with the cable/pipe diameter display when the actual cable/pipe diameter was different than the detection diameter.
    • Fixed an issue when using a reference line in the cable/pipe TOP detection tool that caused the detection group to be treated as interpolated.
    • Fixed a crash in the time series multiplot when adding/removing observations.
    • Fixed an issue with TU-Delft sound speed inversion on very short lines.
    • Improved the TOP detection settings to make it clear what systems are being used for the TOP detection as well as the preferred solution.
    • Fixed a plotting display issue in the plotting tools that would show lines drawn to random locations. This was a display issue only and did not affect the actual data.
  • Importing / Exporting
    • Importing a line that is not on a surface will now have better vertical bounds.
  • Licensing
    • New options have been added to copy the Tag ID or copy the Dongle ID/Activation String/Server Address.

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