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How-to run Qastor with extra logging

To get some extra logging in Qastor to analyze the behavior of the application and/or the system. We build an extra option to execute. In this how-to, we are going to explain how you can enable this option in Qastor.

📘 Instructions

  1. Go to: “C:\Program Files (x86)\QPS\Qastor\3.11.1“

  2. Find the file ‘Qastor64.exe’ and copy a desktop shortcut:


  3. Change the name of the shortcut to something like: “Qastor - XL“ to indicate that this is the shortcut that is used for extra logging.

  4. Show the properties of the shortcut file and add ‘-l -f *=true’ at the end of the line in the target field:


  5. Start Qastor and extra logging will be created in the app data folder of Qastor:



If there are additional problems to Qastor related to the device, send this “log.txt” file to the Qastor Team.

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