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How-to convert a Qastor route to *.rtz

In Qastor, users have the option to save or convert a route into *.rtz format. This format is widely recognized among bridge ECDIS systems, simplifying the process of sharing routes between Qastor and other platforms. The *.rtz format is created within Qastor and mirrors the features present in the internal *.qro format.


Creating a *.rtz route in Qastor can be done by following the next steps:

  1. To begin working with a *.qro (Qastor Route) route, start by choosing the route from the Settings → Route menu.

  2. If the route is visible on the chart, right-click on the route a select Edit Route.

  3. If you do not have a route yet, simply right-click on the chart and opt for Edit Tools → Route Tools.

  4. This action will open the Route edit menu, enabling you to create a route if one does not exist.

  5. Once the route is created, click on the save button.

  6. A popup will appear, allowing you to decide whether to save the route in *.qro or *.rtz format.


After clicking the save button, you can save the route in *.qro or *.rtz format.

This feature is available since version Qastor 3.11.0.

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