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FMGT - Support for EM1000 data grams logged with the older Kongsberg Merlin Acquisition System

When Kongsberg switched from the old Merlin acquisition system to using SIS system, the packets logged in the  .all file changed for the EM1000. 

The time period where the Merlin/SIS change-over occurred was  from 1998 through 2002.

In FMGeocoder we currently read the newer packet written by SIS, but not the older packets written by Merlin for the EM1000.

The EM1002 replaced the EM1000.
The EM1002 is supported by Merlin or SIS and the packet structure is the same, regardless of which software (SIS or Merlin) is used to record the data. However, there is a difference in the details - Merlin, generally running on a Sparc is big endian, and SIS is little endian.

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