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FMGT - ARA ascii export header and file descriptor

The ascii fields exported via the ASCII ARA output option are:

1) X-Position      (65 degres x position of the ARA patch)
2) Y-Position      (65 degree y position of the ARA patch)
3) Z-Position      (Depth at that x, y position)
4) Total Gradient  (Slope of the backscatter intensity vs angle graph)
5) Total Intercept  (Backscatter yntercept of the above graph)
6) Total Mean      (Overall mean backscatter value)
7) Near beams Mean  (Mean of the near nadir beams)
8) Far beams Mean  (Mean of the far angle beams)
9) Outer beams Mean (Mean of the other beams)
10) Impedance      (Computed impedance from the Jakson model)
11) Roughness      (Computed grain size from the Jakson model)
12) Grain Size (phi) (Computed grain size from the model. Ranges of grain size are used to select the classification below)
13) Fluid Factor 
14) Distance        (orthogonal distance)
15) Volume
16) near_ch0        (initial impedance guess)
17) classification  (an integer into the lookup table for bottom types)

With v7.2 of FMGeocoder we added Field 18 this contains 0's and 1's and indicates from port or starboard.

18) Is it from Port side (=1)

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