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Windows 64 Bit Installation Issues with an upgrade to 7.2.0

Last updated for the 7.2.0 release of the software.
As of version 7.2.0 of the software the *.exe.config files in the IVS7/bin directory are no longer needed and in fact if present will prevent the software from running properly.
Doing a clean install of the software will not have this issue but it can occur when upgrading from older versions which included them. 
The installer does try and remove any old *.exe.config files automatically but some versions of Windows 64 seem to prevent the automatic removal.
We believe that if you run the installer as administrator it will install ok and remove any old files - but we have not verified this yet. Manually removing any old *.exe.config files solves the problem as does performing a clean install (backup you license folder, remove the c:\program files\IVS7 directory, and reinstalling.)
Note: The information about the side-by-side issue and the link to download the installer as described on the download page is still all relavant.

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