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Technical Note: Fledermaus Geocoder Toolkit works in metric units


Affects any version of FMGT.  The Fledermaus Geocoder Toolkit was designed and set to work in metric units. If a user sets the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) that establishes a workspace environment in units of feet, an incomplete mosaic is rendered. There is a workaround for this issue after working with a project that has a CRS and set units to meters; which is simply reprojecting to the desired CRS with units of feet in Fledermaus.


  1. Create project in FMGT with CRS in meters
    1. Bring in GSF
    2. Create Mosaic
    3. Export Mosaic as an SD file 
  1. Open Fledermaus
    1. Bring in Mosaic SD created in FMGT
    2. In Object Attributes panel go to Geo-Referencing tab
    3. Object's Coordinate System Coordinate Reference System from either the dropdown menu or option button choose the CRS feet 
    4. Under Geo-Referencing tab press Re-project to Scene

NOTE: We are being redundant in the export of the SD to reproject, to keep the FMGT project pristine with adequate Tile1.SD. Don't reproject the Tile1.SD from the Mosaic folder of the project as you will corrupt your project.

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