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Simultaneous Installation of 6.7 and 7.0 on MacOS 10.6

A Macintosh splits an install into two locations. The actually applications are in the Applications folder, and the rest of the supporting files including the license file are in an "Application Support" directory.

For v6:
Diskname/Library/Application Support/IVS
Diskname/Applications/IVS Fledermaus

For v7:
Diskname/Library/Application Support/IVS7
Diskname/Applications/IVS Fledermaus-v7

Thus it looks like you can have both installed simultaneously but you can't. Lets say you install V6. An then update to V7. The install of version 7 is seen by the Mac as an upgrade and it automatically erases the Diskname/Applications/IVS Fledermaus directory although it doesn't touch the Application Support directory. If you trick it by renaming the folder then it won't remove the renamed Applications folder but it still won't work.

That said. There is a work around which isn't ideal but in practice works quite well.  Updating the versions doesn't erase the Application Support directory where the license is installed if you really want to switch between versions do the following:

a) Install version 6 and license it
b) Install version 7 and license it  (this will mess up you v6 install)

Keep a handy copy of the version 6 and version 7 DMG files (the installation packages) handy. If you need to run version 6 just double click and reinstall it. It will still recognize you have a valid license and it will run fine. To switch to version 7 reinstall it's DMG and same thing. It will install and just run because you had previously set up a license. Although this is not ideal it only takes 30 seconds to install one version or the other so it will work for occasional switching. Installing version 6 after installing version 7 will give you a warning about installing an older version but this is fine just carry on.

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