Root Node
The root node of a scene has its own special set of tabs, which will be described in the following section.
The scene attribute panel
Scene Tab
Horizontal Coordinate System / Vertical Datum: This option is used to specify the coordinate system for the overall scene and display area.
Geographic Unit Display: Coordinates that are in geographic units will be displayed using this format.
Projected Unit Display: The display of project units will use the format specified by this option.
Display Mode: Used to specify if the main display will be flat, or spherical.
Background Color: Specifies the background color of the main display area.
Foreground Color: Specifies the foreground color used in the main display area.
Swap Colors: Swaps the current foreground and background colors.
Active Pick Point Object: Specifies the Vessel Class used to determine the active pick point.
Lighting Tab
The lighting tab on the root node is used to set the global lighting direction. This is not used for shading surfaces, but does apply to 3D Models and Shape objects.
The lighting attribute panel
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