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Object Attributes - DTM

The DTM Display Options are split into three areas to allow the surface to be viewed in a number of ways:

  • Surface - A fully Illuminated model of the surface. 
  • Wireframe - a line drawn model in which only the edges and vertices are drawn. 
  • Plates - a single computed height per cell based around the specified cell size. Plates is the specified data bin (e.g. a 2m bin is 2x2) with a single computed object in rows and columns.

Transparency allows the user to select the degree of opacity on the surface, so that other surfaces can be seen beneath it.

DTM Tools allow the user to drape an image onto the surface, attach scalars and export a surface as an image in GeoTiff format.

Grid Information displays the current resolution of the data and the size of the object in rows and columns.

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