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Linux Segmentation Fault 11

If you receive the following error:
The application has encountered an error and must close.
This is due to signal: Segmentation fault(11).
Application: fledermaus
Version: Fledermaus 7.1.2a, Build 453, 32 bit Edition

or see something similar to:

QGLFormat::setSamples: Cannot have negative number of samples per pixel -1521677200
QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current.
QGLFormat::setSamples: Cannot have negative number of samples per pixel -1521677200
libpng warning: tRNS chunk not allowed with alpha channel
Please check your log files specifically any graphic related logs-gdm and xorg). If you see any messages about reinstalling the video driver please do so. After which Fledermaus should now start.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.