Command Line Operations
The following is a list of all the available command line programs with a quick description. More detail information for each command line program can be obtained by running FMCommand and selecting the individual programs or from running cmdop [program name] -h from a command line.
Command | Description |
arcfeaturetosd | Transfer an arc feature class to an SD object. |
arcsdtofeature | Transfer an SD object to an arc feature class. |
arcsoundingselection | Performs a sounding selection on a featureclass of points or a raster. |
arctosurface | Convert ESRI Arcview binary grid files. |
areacapacity | Creates an area capacity table. |
bagtoascii | Converts a BAG file into a space-seperated ASCII file, with an option to output version and tracking lists. |
bagtosurface | Imports BAG files. |
buildsurfacemodel | Modifies a surface based on an XYZ route. |
cmapinfo | List the colors in a standard Fledermaus colormap file. |
demtosurface | Imports USGS DEM files. |
dtedtosurface | Imports NIMA dted files. |
ermaptosurface | Imports ER-Mapper surface files. |
exportsurface | Export surfaces to ArcGIS ascii, generic ascii, GMT, or raw binary files. |
fintosurface | Imports the Navoceano grid (.fin) file format. |
gasciitosurface | Imports ASCII grid files. |
geotoutmimage | Re-projects a geographic image file to UTM. |
grasstosurface | Imports GRASS raster files. |
grdtosurface | Imports GMT Grd surface files. |
gridder | Grids ungridded data. |
gritosurface | Imports Fugro GRI grid files. |
gsfapplytides | Modifies a GSF file based on an input tide file. |
gshhstolines | Import global sef-consistent hierarchial high-resloution shorelines data. |
gutmtosurface | Imports a surface in CCOM's GUTM format. |
imageconvert | Converts images to and from a variety of formats. |
imageingester | A blending application to take color data from surfaces and insert it into an image. |
imagemanip | Perform a bunch of operations on images and inquire for information. |
imagemask | Mask image files from DTM's or image mask files. |
imagemerge | Combines a sequence of images with another image, such as a logo. |
imagemosaic | Creates a composite image based on a series of input images. |
imagetosurface | Converts a GeoTIFF to an SD file. |
imagevectormerge | Modifies an image based on a polygon. |
indexfiles | Create metadata index for input files. |
isistosurface | Imports the ISIS surface format. |
kmltileimage | Creates a set of KML files for Google Earth. |
ladsmodify | Updates soundings in a RAN LADS II database. |
lidartosd | Converts LIDAR data into an SD point object. |
linetofmt | Converts an SD line file into DXF, DWG, KML or ASCII. |
linetomodel | Creates an OBJ 3D Model from an ASCII XYZ file. |
listcoordsys | Search for coordinate systems. |
listscene | Show the names of SD objects in a TDR file. |
merctogeoimage | Convert a mercator projected tif image to a geographic referenced tif image. |
mkactpoint3d | Make active point SD file from a file of positions and commands to run. |
mkcluster | Convert ASCII point data into a Fledermaus point file. |
mkcmap | Builds a standard Flederamus colormap. |
mkdtmfromshade | Create a DTM for masking from a shade file. |
mkflatsurface | Creates a flat SonarDTM surface. |
mkgeoimage | Convert an image into a flat Fledermaus image object. |
mklines | Convert ASCII line data into a Fledermaus line file. |
mkpoint3d | Convert ASCII point data into a Fledermaus point file. |
mkscene | Creates a Scene file from a number of SD files. |
mksolid | Convert a solid model 3DS file into a Fledermaus SD file. |
mksurfseries | Creates an animated surface with a series of numbered SonarDTM SD files. |
mktextureDTM | Drape an image onto an existing Fledermaus surface producing a new one. |
mkvcurtain | Create a vertically hanging image as a Fledermaus SD file. |
mkvimage | Create a vertical plane image as a Fledermaus SD file. |
noaatosurface | Imports NOAA gravity map data. |
objectbuilder | Assemble dtm/geo/shade files into Fledermaus SD files of several types. |
omgtosurface | Imports UNB Ocean Mapping group .R4 and .mos files. |
pfmaddline | A program to append new survey data to an existing PFM data structure. |
pfmcompare | Compare a PFM to reference PFM for similarity. |
pfmexport | Export soundings associated with a PFM to a text file. |
pfmexportsurface | Export a surface from a PFM to a text file. |
pfminitialize | Initialize a PFM data structure. |
pfmselect | Run a sounding selection filter on a PFM. |
pfmsetflag | Set or clear rejection flags in a PFM. |
pfmsourcecompare | Compare the soundings in a PFM with a set of source files. |
pfmunload | Unload data from a PFM file to orignal survey data files. |
pfmupdate | Used with 3rd party systems to sychronize raw and PFM data structures. |
processworkflow | Processes an XML Workflow file. |
projectaddsource | Add source data to an existing Fledermaus project file. |
projectcreate | Create an empty Fledermaus project file. |
projectpts | Projects points. |
qpsgridtosurface | Converts a QPS grid file into a Fledermaus SD file. |
resampler | Resamples DTM and image data with variety of filters. |
revcolors | Reverses the byte ordering of colors inside SD files. |
rgbconv | Converts ascii RGB data to ascii HSV color data. |
s57reader | Extracts all point and line objects from a S57 ENC file. |
scalar8to16 | Turns an 8-bit scalar SD file into a 16-bit data block. |
scalarcombine | Merge two scalars based on a mask image. |
scalarcut | Extracts a sub-area from a scalar SD file. |
scalardecimate | Does a factor of two decimation on a scalar SD file. |
scalarencode | Adds the enocoding range to a scalar SD file explicitly. |
scalarexpand | Adds rows of columns to the ends of a scalar SD file. |
scalarflip | Vertically or horizontally flips a data block. |
scalarinfo | Display info about SD files -> replaced by tdrinfo. |
scalarinterp | Does linear interpolation on a scalar, replaced by resampler. |
scalarinvert | Inverts the height data within a scalar. |
scalarmask | Mask a scalar from a masking image. |
scalarmerge | Merges one or more surface SD files into one. |
scalartoimage | Convert a DTM/Scalar file to a greyscale (geo)tiff image. |
sd6to7 | Convert a version 6.x SD file to a version 7 SD file. |
sdtodxf | Converts an SD line file to a DXF file. |
setbounds | Add georeferencing to make a TIFF into a GeoTIFF image. |
shademerge | Combine two shade files into one. |
shader | Applies sun illumination to a digital terrain model. |
shptosd | Convert ESRI ArcGIS shapefiles to Fledermaus SD files. |
smoothimage | Blend a series of image files. Used in movie production. |
sourceindexer | Generates metadata from source data files. |
surfacecontour | Create a 3D line SD file containing contouring of a surface. |
surfacediff | Compares two surfaces. |
surfacemask | Masks a surface by height range or by polygon. |
surfacemerge | Merges one or more surface SD files into one. |
surfacetobag | Creates an BAG file from of a SD surface file and attached uncertainty scalar. |
surfacetoimage | Creates an image based on the shading of a SD surface file. |
surftosurface | Imports a surface in Surfer's ascii format. |
tdrappend | Appends the data blocks from the listed TDR files to a new output TDR file. |
tdrcontents | Summary of the data blocks in a given TDR file. |
tdrextract | Extracts a data block from a TDR file. |
tdrinfo | Displays information about the data blocks in a TDR file. |
tdrmerge | Concatenate the data from multiple TDR files into one TDR file. |
tmtogeoimage | Converts an image in TM or UTM coordinates to an image in Geo coordinates. |
tmtoutmimage | Converts an image in TM coordinates to an image in UTM coordinates. |
volumetosd | Converts a 3D volume 'brick' of data into an SD Volume object. |
wvstolines | Import some world vector shoreline data. |