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Command Line Operations

The following is a list of all the available command line programs with a quick description. More detail information for each command line program can be obtained by running FMCommand and selecting the individual programs or from running cmdop [program name] -h from a command line.

arcfeaturetosdTransfer an arc feature class to an SD object.
arcsdtofeatureTransfer an SD object to an arc feature class.
arcsoundingselectionPerforms a sounding selection on a featureclass of points or a raster.
arctosurfaceConvert ESRI Arcview binary grid files.
areacapacityCreates an area capacity table.
bagtoasciiConverts a BAG file into a space-seperated ASCII file, with an option to output version and tracking lists.
bagtosurfaceImports BAG files.
buildsurfacemodelModifies a surface based on an XYZ route.
cmapinfoList the colors in a standard Fledermaus colormap file.
demtosurfaceImports USGS DEM files.
dtedtosurfaceImports NIMA dted files.
ermaptosurfaceImports ER-Mapper surface files.
exportsurfaceExport surfaces to ArcGIS ascii, generic ascii, GMT, or raw binary files.
fintosurfaceImports the Navoceano grid (.fin) file format.
gasciitosurfaceImports ASCII grid files.
geotoutmimageRe-projects a geographic image file to UTM.
grasstosurfaceImports GRASS raster files.
grdtosurfaceImports GMT Grd surface files.
gridderGrids ungridded data.
gritosurfaceImports Fugro GRI grid files.
gsfapplytidesModifies a GSF file based on an input tide file.
gshhstolinesImport global sef-consistent hierarchial high-resloution shorelines data.
gutmtosurfaceImports a surface in CCOM's GUTM format.
imageconvertConverts images to and from a variety of formats.
imageingesterA blending application to take color data from surfaces and insert it into an image.
imagemanipPerform a bunch of operations on images and inquire for information.
imagemaskMask image files from DTM's or image mask files.
imagemergeCombines a sequence of images with another image, such as a logo.
imagemosaicCreates a composite image based on a series of input images.
imagetosurfaceConverts a GeoTIFF to an SD file.
imagevectormergeModifies an image based on a polygon.
indexfilesCreate metadata index for input files.
isistosurfaceImports the ISIS surface format.
kmltileimageCreates a set of KML files for Google Earth.
ladsmodifyUpdates soundings in a RAN LADS II database.
lidartosdConverts LIDAR data into an SD point object.
linetofmtConverts an SD line file into DXF, DWG, KML or ASCII.
linetomodelCreates an OBJ 3D Model from an ASCII XYZ file.
listcoordsysSearch for coordinate systems.
listsceneShow the names of SD objects in a TDR file.
merctogeoimageConvert a mercator projected tif image to a geographic referenced tif image.
mkactpoint3dMake active point SD file from a file of positions and commands to run.
mkclusterConvert ASCII point data into a Fledermaus point file.
mkcmapBuilds a standard Flederamus colormap.
mkdtmfromshadeCreate a DTM for masking from a shade file.
mkflatsurfaceCreates a flat SonarDTM surface.
mkgeoimageConvert an image into a flat Fledermaus image object.
mklinesConvert ASCII line data into a Fledermaus line file.
mkpoint3dConvert ASCII point data into a Fledermaus point file.
mksceneCreates a Scene file from a number of SD files.
mksolidConvert a solid model 3DS file into a Fledermaus SD file.
mksurfseriesCreates an animated surface with a series of numbered SonarDTM SD files.
mktextureDTMDrape an image onto an existing Fledermaus surface producing a new one.
mkvcurtainCreate a vertically hanging image as a Fledermaus SD file.
mkvimageCreate a vertical plane image as a Fledermaus SD file.
noaatosurfaceImports NOAA gravity map data.
objectbuilderAssemble dtm/geo/shade files into Fledermaus SD files of several types.
omgtosurfaceImports UNB Ocean Mapping group .R4 and .mos files.
pfmaddlineA program to append new survey data to an existing PFM data structure.
pfmcompareCompare a PFM to reference PFM for similarity.
pfmexportExport soundings associated with a PFM to a text file.
pfmexportsurfaceExport a surface from a PFM to a text file.
pfminitializeInitialize a PFM data structure.
pfmselectRun a sounding selection filter on a PFM.
pfmsetflagSet or clear rejection flags in a PFM.
pfmsourcecompareCompare the soundings in a PFM with a set of source files.
pfmunloadUnload data from a PFM file to orignal survey data files.
pfmupdateUsed with 3rd party systems to sychronize raw and PFM data structures.
processworkflowProcesses an XML Workflow file.
projectaddsourceAdd source data to an existing Fledermaus project file.
projectcreateCreate an empty Fledermaus project file.
projectptsProjects points.
qpsgridtosurfaceConverts a QPS grid file into a Fledermaus SD file.
resamplerResamples DTM and image data with variety of filters.
revcolorsReverses the byte ordering of colors inside SD files.
rgbconvConverts ascii RGB data to ascii HSV color data.
s57readerExtracts all point and line objects from a S57 ENC file.
scalar8to16Turns an 8-bit scalar SD file into a 16-bit data block.
scalarcombineMerge two scalars based on a mask image.
scalarcutExtracts a sub-area from a scalar SD file.
scalardecimateDoes a factor of two decimation on a scalar SD file.
scalarencodeAdds the enocoding range to a scalar SD file explicitly.
scalarexpandAdds rows of columns to the ends of a scalar SD file.
scalarflipVertically or horizontally flips a data block.
scalarinfoDisplay info about SD files -> replaced by tdrinfo.
scalarinterpDoes linear interpolation on a scalar, replaced by resampler.
scalarinvertInverts the height data within a scalar.
scalarmaskMask a scalar from a masking image.
scalarmergeMerges one or more surface SD files into one.
scalartoimageConvert a DTM/Scalar file to a greyscale (geo)tiff image.
sd6to7Convert a version 6.x SD file to a version 7 SD file.
sdtodxfConverts an SD line file to a DXF file.
setboundsAdd georeferencing to make a TIFF into a GeoTIFF image.
shademergeCombine two shade files into one.
shaderApplies sun illumination to a digital terrain model.
shptosdConvert ESRI ArcGIS shapefiles to Fledermaus SD files.
smoothimageBlend a series of image files. Used in movie production.
sourceindexerGenerates metadata from source data files.
surfacecontourCreate a 3D line SD file containing contouring of a surface.
surfacediffCompares two surfaces.
surfacemaskMasks a surface by height range or by polygon.
surfacemergeMerges one or more surface SD files into one.
surfacetobagCreates an BAG file from of a SD surface file and attached uncertainty scalar.
surfacetoimageCreates an image based on the shading of a SD surface file.
surftosurfaceImports a surface in Surfer's ascii format.
tdrappendAppends the data blocks from the listed TDR files to a new output TDR file.
tdrcontentsSummary of the data blocks in a given TDR file.
tdrextractExtracts a data block from a TDR file.
tdrinfoDisplays information about the data blocks in a TDR file.
tdrmergeConcatenate the data from multiple TDR files into one TDR file.
tmtogeoimageConverts an image in TM or UTM coordinates to an image in Geo coordinates.
tmtoutmimageConverts an image in TM coordinates to an image in UTM coordinates.
volumetosdConverts a 3D volume 'brick' of data into an SD Volume object.
wvstolinesImport some world vector shoreline data.
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