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Questions & Answers

Should I transition to Fledermaus 8?

Currently, Fledermaus 8 is still growing in functionality. To fully understand if you should transition or not to Fledermaus 8, you could explore Fledermaus 8.0.0 - Transitions from Fledermaus v7 to help guide you. Ultimately, you can reach out to our customer support service and have a conversation with one of the QPS Team members.

Where can I download the Fledermaus 8 Mac and Linux installers?

Fledermaus 8.x has been released Multiplatform. Keep up to date releases to have the best results. If you have a specific need for different installers not listed within our supported platforms, please contact support. 

What are the hardware and systems recommendations to run Fledermaus 8?

You can find the hardware and system recommendations to run Fledermaus 8 in the  Technical Information online document. It details the hardware required and recommended specifications to work with the application.

What version of ArcGIS - ESRI does Fledermaus support?

Currently, Fledermaus 8 Supports all the versions of ArcGIS desktop from 10.4.x. Users should be aware that they need to install ArcGIS Desktop and background geoprocessing executables before attempting to to use the GIS add-on available for Fledermaus. For Fledermaus 7, 32 bit installation is it supported up to ArcGIS 10.4.1 and there are version dependencies that are explained in the following link. ArcGIS Pro is not a version that is actively supported at the moment. We encourage you to contact the Support and Product Management teams to request support for such version.

What are the distances reported for measurements?

For 2D distances from the measurement tool, the planimetric distance is returned.  The distance displayed can be checked manually by using the following formula, where ( N1, E1, Z1 ) are the Northing, Easting and Z height of the first coordinate in the line segment and ( N2, E2, Z2 ) are the Northing, Easting and Z height of the second coordinate:

dist = sqrt[(N1-N2)^2 + (E1-E2)^2 + (Z1-Z2)^2]

Distances along a line are the geodetic distance.  For UTM and other linear projections, the simple Pythagorean calculation is used. In linear projections, this makes the most sense.  For geographic (WGS84), an approximation of a one degree span at the equator is used to convert the grid internally to meters.   The distance is then calculated as for linear projections.  Note that this can result in significant error in the X direction depending on the latitude.

There are three distances reported from a profile.  The 2D distance, which is the flat distance between the points, the line of sight distance determined by Pythagoras and the along the surface distance, which is the profile distance.  The latter would be equivalent to travelling over the surface.

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