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Fledermaus Video Files Dock

Video Files Dock

Video Files Dock

Enable the video files dock to import video files into a project in Fledermaus.  Click on the plus sign, Add Video Files, to open the Add Video/Imagery Files dialog. From there, click on the Add button and select the type of files to import.  There are three options:

  • Add Files without Timestamp
  • Add Files with Timestamped Names
  • Add Files from Timestamped Log File

Add Video/Imagery Files Dialog

The example shows the Add Video/Imagery Files dialog with a file imported without a timestamp.  It is possible to edit the start time and date of the video by double clicking on the Start Time field for the particular video.  If there is only one camera in the scene, the default, Camera 1, may be used.  It is possible to add more cameras as desired by clicking on Create New in the list of camera names.

Once the video files are imported, it is possible to change the timestamp of any file by double clicking on the timestamp in the Video Files dock.  An example is illustrated after importing the example file, Movie.mp4.  The date on import was 2023-07-31.  Any part of the date or time may be edited. Supported formats are .mp4, .mpg and .avi.

Video Files Dock with Changed Timestamp Illustrated

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