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Fledermaus Space Time Notes Dock

Space Time Notes Dock

Space Time Notes

Space time notes are picked XYZ points on your surfaces, they can be used to select features or to create views for presentation

Add Note  

Adding a new note will create a selection on the the surface with an X,Y and Z co-ordinate

Show Markers  

This option switches on and off the marker display on the surface

Marker Displayed on Surface

Space Time Note Display Table

The table will display all the notes in the scene, with their ID, position, time (if applicable), marker color, whether there is an associated view and the label. If there is a label included this will also be displayed on the surface.  

Space Time Note Table 

Label Displayed on Surface with Marker 

Right Click Menu

Once you have selected a Space Time Note it is possible to bring up more options using Right Click.

Center in View

This option will re-center the screen on the selected Space Time Note.

Save Current View

This option will override the saved view with the currently selected one.

Add to Presentation

This will add the Space Time Note, with its information and view to the Slides Dock.


This will remove the selected Space Time Notes.

More Actions 

The More Actions drop down menu lets you access import and export operations.

Import from ASCII

This will allow you to select the required file and will launch the  ASCII parsing engine to bring the data into your scene.

Export to ASCII

This will export all selected Space Time Notes to an ASCII text format with the header X, Y, Z, Date-time, Label, Notes. 

Create Points from Space Time Notes

This will create points in the scene from the space time notes.  You will be prompted for a file name to save the points. The points will initially have the same colors as the space time notes, this can be changed in the created points object.

Create Lines from Space Time Notes

This will create lines in the scene from the space time notes.  You will be prompted for a file name to save the lines.  Beware that the line(s) or portions of lines may be below the surface.  Use Drape Lines in the created lines object to drape onto the surface.  The color of the lines will be the default, usually white.


Text can be added to the Notes section, if the Space time notes are exported to Ascii then the Notes will also be exported, they can also be imported from an ascii file.

Notes Window

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