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Fledermaus Slides Dock

Slides Dock

Fledermaus Slides Dock

The Fledermaus Slides Dock is allows for the creation of an interactive presentation and rendering of movies

Add New Slide

This icon will launch the New Slide Dialog 

New Slide Dialog

This window will launch when the Add Slide button is selected.

It gives you the option to Name the slide and to create an image from the current view (shown in the small visualization window) or to create a view from existing Space Time Notes.

New Slide Dialog

Play Presentation

The Play Presentation icon if clicked will give the following drop down menu:  

Start Presentation

This will launch the full screen mode and move to the first slide position. Press Space bar or the right arrow key → to advance through the slides using the flight path, the Left arrow key ← will snap back to the previous slide view and Esc to close the full screen mode and return to the normal view. 

Start Presentation from Current Slide

This option will launch the full screen mode and zoom to the view from the selected slide. Use the Space bar to or the right arrow key → to advance through the slides using the flight path, the Left arrow key ← will snap back to the previous slide view and Esc to close the full screen mode and return to the normal view. 

Start Timed Presentation

This option will launch full screen mode and will then use the information from the Properties window to run through the presentation automatically. 

Start Timed Presentation from Current Slide

Using the currently selected slide will launch the full screen mode and move through the presentation using the information from the properties window. 

Start Times Presentation Loop

This option will launch the full screen mode and will move through the slides using the information from the properties window, it will continue to loop through the slides until cancelled by the Esc key. 

Render to Movie

This option allows the user to render a movie into another transferable data format

Render Presentation as Movie Dialog

Output format: The available options are MPEG4, TIFF Sequence, or JPEG Sequence. The latter two options will require another software to stitch them together into a movie format.

Encoding Quality: Controls the balance of video quality vs file size. By adjusting the slider you can choose from the lowest quality video with the smallest file size, to lossless video with the largest file size, and some levels of quality in between. Fledermaus uses Constant Rate Factor (CRF) encoding which provides consistent quality with variable bitrate.

Resolution: Controls the pixel dimensions of the output video. The options available are:

  • Standard HD 720p (1280 x 720)
  • Full HD 1080p (1920 x 1080)
  • Quad HD 1440p (2560 x 1440)
  • UHD 4K 2160p (3840 × 2160)

  • UHD 8K 4320p (7680 x 4320)
  • Custom resolution

With custom resolution the dimensions can be set manually in the Width and Height fields.

AntialiasingAntialiasing works by rendering each frame at a higher resolution and then scaling them down to the resolution of the output movie. This results in a higher quality image but causes rendering to take quite a bit longer. The antialiasing factor is the size difference between the rendered frame and the output movie---an antialiasing factor of three will mean that the render window will by three times as wide and high as the final movie.

Framerate: Is expressed in frames per second or FPS is the frequency (rate) at which consecutive images appear on a display. The term applies equally to film and video cameras, computer graphics, and motion capture systems. The Framerate options are:

  • 25 Frames/sec
  • 29.97 Frames/sec
  • 30 Frames/sec
  • 60 Frames/sec
  • 90 Frames/sec
  • 120 Frames/sec

File: this option allows you to set the name and location of the video file

More Actions

The More Actions drop down menu can be selected by left clicking on the icon in the top right corner.

Remove all Slides

This option will remove all of the existing slides from the project. 

Present Fullscreen

This will allow the full screen option to be switched on, if off the full window mode will be used and the Fledermaus toolbar will be able to be seen

Presentation Properties

Launches the presentation properties dialog which allows you to set the aspect ratio and add additional information.

Presentation Properties Dialog

Target Aspect Ratio; the drop down menu gives a list of the available aspect ratios that are available. 

Target Aspect Ratio Drop Down Menu

Image file; this option allows a user to select an image which will be displayed in the presentation mode as a logo or watermark. 

Image Size; how big the image is in relation to the screen size. 


The Properties window becomes active when any slide is selected 

Properties Dock

Space-time Note: This option indicates if a Space-time note is being used as a Slide view, if there is no space-time note associated this will say None. 

View: This allows you to adjust the view of the slide and to save the new view over the existing - if there is an associated space-time note then it is possible to reset it back to the original view. 

Transition in: There are two options available which controls the way the camera arrives at the slide view,

  • Interpolate - This will create a smooth path between the slides seamlessly transitioning. If this is set for the first slide Fledermaus will interpolate between the current view 
  • None - This option will not interpolate between the slides, it will just jump between the views

On Slide: Once the view has been reached there are two additional options 

  • Do Nothing - The camera will remain as it is without doing anything
  • Orbit - the camera will pan around the central location until the slide is advanced. The speed is controlled by the additional options that becomes available when Orbit is selected 
    • CW = Clockwise
    • CCW = Counter Clockwise 

Transition In Drop Down Menu

Advance After: This option is used when working with the Timed Presentations and controls how soon after arriving Fledermaus moves on to the next available slide. 


The content window allows the slides to be edited and customized. 

Edit Slide Content Window

The available templates are shown in the drop down menu, selecting one of them will activate more options


Centered Image

Full Slide Image

Template Window

The template allows the user to set text, images background colours to the slide, when this has been completed the slide will be visible during the presentation mode. 


This window will allow you to add a transparency to surfaces in the background of your slide. 

Slide Transparency Override Window

Use the Add Object drop down menu to add a surface to the table and select the Override Transparency

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