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Fledermaus Product Licensing and Features

Fledermaus Feature list


Fledermaus Offshore

Fledermaus Viewer

Fledermaus Geocoder Toolkit (FMGT)

Cross-Platform: Windows, Mac & Linux

* (intention - however, not yet available for other platforms)

2D Scene Views

3D Scene Views


4D Scene Views



Scene Composition



Surface measurement tools


Create a 3D surface model and multi-variate surfaces from a variety of ungridded and gridded data types



3D model object imports



Interpolate, mask, crop or resample grids to get the best possible interpretation of the seafloor



Import of ancillary data including images, Esri shapefiles, AutoCAD DXF and DWG, points, lines, 3DS models and ENCs (ENC’s FM 7)



Drape sidescan mosaics, backscatter, charts, and other imagery onto surfaces



Show object and surface change over time using time-stamped data (surface time series)



Perform slope, rate of change and surface difference calculations



Interactively digitize and label



True 3D Mesh technology 



Eye dome lighting (EDL) for point clouds



Real-time tracking of objects (vessels, animals, etc.) via serial cable, UDP packet or logged string*




Generate and export points, lines polygons, contours, grids in industry-standard formats



Create time/space notes for moviemaking and 3D/4D presentations



Auto-generated flight paths using the presentation system; output to MPEG movies



Produce high-resolution graphics for reports, posters, and publications



Create slides directly in scene with easy text/image insertion, and export to the presentation



Export Google Earth KML and KMZ files Node-less surface interpretation tools



Fledermaus Viewer installer for viewing of Fledermaus *.scene and *.SD files


Backscatter processing of specific frequency




Multi-spectral backscatter processing




Grid-based & cluster voxel-based Volumen calculations



Scene interpretation tools



Support of bathymetric data to improve backscatter footprint results on rough surfaces




Directory monitoring




Beam pattern correction




Cascading backscatter normalization tool




Intra-vessel backscatter adjustment




Tiling to support raw large data sets and or high-resolution backscatter mosaics




Export of (floating point) GeoTiff and SD surfaces


Creation of RGB coloured backscatter imagery




Export of detailed backscatter statistics information




Angular Range Analysis results (characterization)




Synchronized video playback (Full Motion Video)



Support for navigation peripherals



Pipe and cable route planning*




Calculate and export fixed pipeline length data files




Generate and export dynamic long and cross profiles for use in engineering analyses




Entwine Point Cloud object reading (big data)



Dynamic Multilayer profiling



Fledermaus workflow automation using command line tools and popular scripting languages *Limited in FM 8



Seamless workflow with integration to Esri ArcGIS software (Esri ArcGIS installed license required)




Intuitive and rapid extraction of features from huge multibeam and single-beam water column data files and SBP





Seep Hunter automated algorithm for hydrocarbon and methane seep detection in water column data (or other features if filter settings are known)





WC and SBP data extraction, Interpretation and replay





Dredge Design creations (FM 7)



Vertical images displays and creation settings



Beam fan time Series creation



Image collection (display sync video, scene and merge with vessel)



HIPS I/O – Enables reading of Caris HIPS point cloud data





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