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Fledermaus 8.4.0 New Functionality

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Dynamic Profiling Objects and Improved Cross-Profiling Support

In addition to standard profile tools, Fledermaus 8.4 now provides you the ability to create a Profiler object that can be saved. Profiler objects remain if saved in a scene and can be shared as part of the scene. They will also dynamically update as the scene changes. Once the profile path is set, any visible surfaces will show a profile in the profile dock where they can be interactively analyzed, and compared.   

Figure 1. Profile Object, Scene Toolbar cursor mode & Profile Dock

You can create the profile object by working with the Profile tool cursor mode from the Scene Toolbar or you can also import a profiler object by loading a path of control points to the 4D Scene. You can now also work with 3D line and make it a Reference profile to be plotted on the profile dock for your own analysis and comparisons with surface profiles sampled from the same path.

Figure 2. Multiple Surfaces for profile and Reference profile

The profile dock has a built-in cross profile analysis tool which can be shown or hidden as desired, as shown in step 1 of Figure 3.  You can edit the profile path and cross profile position and radius, meaning extent from main profile to each end of the cross profile, interactively in the 4D Scene for ease of visual interpretation, as shown in step 2a of Figure 3. Finally, you can work with spaced intervals as seen in step 2b of Figure 3.

Figure 3. Cross profile plot and dynamic editing mode for it on 4D Scene highlighting steps of how to work with them.

Working with the cross-files allows you to create a cross-profiler object series to add to the scene, you set desired the control points intervals.

Figure 4. Cross Profile Series generated

Meshing Exports improvement

Since the release of Fledermaus 8.0 you have been able to create mesh objects from point clouds. Since then, with each release you are able to work more and get more details and also adjust each of the variables that affect the mesh creation. Meshes allow you to visualize and inspect with a finer level of detail features that would be averaged out with other 3D representation models such as grids. With this release, you are able to export a selected area from a mesh which also includes colors, as shown below in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Mesh export object (.OBJ) imported in Fledermaus. USS Saratoga - Data Credits. Dr. Trembanis University of Delaware.

Pipeline object

If you open a Qimera TOP (Top of Product) project in Fledermaus 8 you will be able to load and visualized the cable/pipe objects in the 4D Scene (Figure 6). This adds to the ability of Fledermaus to be used as a way to prepare a Scene as an additional deliverable that is easy to share with end recipients who then can load the Scene in the Fledermaus Viewer (Figure 7). For this release, the cable/pipe objects are supported. In a future release, we will add the flag markers associated with x-point listings that are also generated in Qimera.

Figure 6. Pipeline object loaded on Scene 4D of Fledermaus

Figure 7. Pipeline object opened on the Fledermaus Viewer.

Fledermaus Viewer supports loading of Lidar Ascii PTS Files

This allows users to quickly load and visualize these kinds of point cloud data with the Fledermaus Viewer alone, enhancing the use of the shareable scenes to supporting data that is available to users to whom you share share scenes with. Recipients of your Scenes can now load in point files to augment the scene, but they won't be able to save it since the Viewer specifically blocks saving.

Locate a point by editing a Space Time Note

You can now locate or navigate automatically to a known location (X,Y,Z) within the 4D Scene by editing a Space Time Note. You can also set and edit the view once you achieved the desired Scene 4D perspective.

Surface Masking

It is possible now to mask surfaces based on other surfaces and as well as images. See Figure 8 for an example of the visual of bedrock from a masked bathymetric surface.

Figure 8. Bathymetric Surface masked by Bedrock surface examples

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