Fledermaus 8.2.0 - Resolved Bugs
The following bugs were solved in this release.
T | Summary |
Path for video files was hard coded and wouldn't play if the Scene or Project was moved to a new machine | |
Scalar colormap ranges were incorrect and could not be modified | |
Importing an FM7 scene to FM8 with 2 objects of the same name only loaded 1 object | |
Solid model objects were not being saved in the correct location | |
Fledermaus crashed when loading Midwater beam fans with more than 256 beams | |
Fledermaus could not load Dynamic Surfaces created in Survey Manager | |
Point cloud objects were displaying an incorrect color legend for some "Color By" options | |
Geographic vertical curtains were not loading in Fledermaus 8 | |
Vertical curtains with greater than 8192 rows would not load in Fledermaus 8 | |
Crash when adjusting the color map range for a surface, using the histogram | |
Fixed export of contours as DXF files | |
Could not create projects or scenes with non-ASCII characters in the name | |
Creating a mesh with some coordinate references systems (CRS) caused a crash | |
Exporting a 3D PDF did not honor the scene vertical exaggeration | |
Exporting a 3D PDF did not properly export the draped imagery | |
Grid importer for ASCII XYZ data was limited to 65,535 rows and columns | |
Double clicking on the data viewing panel caused a crash | |
Loading OBJ files was extremely slow | |
Importing a BAG file was not properly creating the uncertainty scalar object | |
The screen would go black when zooming to an object or removing an object from the scene | |
The time displayed for video files was incorrectly being converted to local time in the video dock | |
Import and invert of floating point geotiff surfaces resulted in incorrect results | |
Surface difference operation would ignore polygon selection | |
Rapidly clicking the refresh button on the ArcGIS external data dock duplicated the displayed databases | |
There was no way to remove ArcGIS database folders from the external data dock | |
Transferring a surface to a newly created AcrGIS database caused naming issues | |
Importing shapefiles did not properly transform | |
Line and point objects imported from an ArcGIS database were not showing the correct properties | |
Exporting a TIFF image from a surface was not properly exporting the shading |