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Fledermaus 8.6.0 Important Notes

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The Fledermaus Offshore License

Fledermaus offshore License allows users functionality to increase their analytical situational awareness for offshore projects: free span pipe/cable analysis, bend radius of pipe/cable planning and or reviews for a route, Scour/siltation scenes/modeling with our multi dynamic profiling capabilities, and the best visuals (end products)

Existing Fledermaus users with a license that is under maintenance and offshore add-on, will be able to install and run Fledermaus Offshore for one year. There are changes in the License Configuration for Fledermaus in this release. 

For details on comparisons for the Fledermaus Product capabilities please see the following table.

The Fledermaus 8 Surface format 

There are many important updates about surfaces for the QPS Product Line. Please read the following user manual page to get familiar with the changes to the Fledermaus Create Menu | id-(8.6)FledermausCreateMenu-CreateStaticGridfromPointFiles

When working on a QPS Project that contains the grid surface and loading it from Qimera, you will be prompted for the upgrade, even if the grid was previously opened before with Fledermaus 8.5.3 and prior. If you want to revert working in a pre 8.6.0, you need to change the file extension of <*.statgrid> to <*.surface>.

QPS Project version

Fledermaus 8.6.0 along with the Qimera, and Qinsy X.6 releases comes with a new Project version. This means that when you open your prior projects with 8.6.0, it will ask if you want to upgrade it. Once you say yes you can no longer open the project in prior versions so make a backup first if you want to keep a copy of the older project around.

QPD File Compatibility

The QPS .qpd point file has been upgraded with the x.6.0 Product line releases. The latest release of Fledermaus 8.5.3 is be able to read x.6.0 qps processed point data (.qpd) files, but older versions of Fledermaus (8.5.2 and earlier) will not be able to read the newer .qpd version.


The Fledermaus installer will install by default into subdirectories with the 8.6.0 version name under the typical install path, which is usually C:\Program Files\QPS\Fledermaus. 
This allows multiple installations quite easily and follows the trend that Qinsy has been using for some time. The Fledermaus Offshore License, will enable within Fledermaus the features that are governed by that License. For details, please see the following table of features of the Fledermaus Products.
Users with Fledermaus 7.X already installed will find that Fledermaus 8 will install into the Fledermaus 7 directory, but in the 8.6.0 subdirectory of the Fledermaus 7 installation folder.

Support for Fledermaus v7.X

Fledermaus 7 will be maintained alongside Fledermaus 8, as functionality is moved over to the new applications. Support for Fledermaus 7 will continue while the user base continues to transition to work with the new and improved Fledermaus 8.

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