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Fledermaus 8.5.0 Documentation

Documentation has been updated to capture the changes to existing dialogs and workflows for the application.  Some of the new documentation listed in our reference manual is:

Point Cloud - Fledermaus 

GeoImage - Fledermaus 

Fledermaus Visual Objects, Operations, & Exports - Fledermaus

Fledermaus Drape Image Dialog - Fledermaus 

Fledermaus Scene - Fledermaus 

Fledermaus Video Files Dock - Fledermaus

Fledermaus Profile Dock - Fledermaus 

Scalar - Fledermaus 

Fledermaus Surface Statistics Dialog - Fledermaus

Lines - Fledermaus

Vertical Curtain - Fledermaus 

Fledermaus Import Menu - Fledermaus

Fledermaus Scene - Fledermaus 

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